October 2024 Update: I’ve decided to no longer work with several firms as there are industry regulations coming and I don’t believe several firms will meet the criteria, including this one. I am leaving this article up but all links to to companies I no longer represent will forward back to my main Deals and Promos Page.
You can find more information here: Regulations Are Coming – October 2024 and also find my list of recommended companies that will be compliant.

It’s been a far too long since I did a giveaway. Since I am on the tail end of my own $150K Gauntlet Mini, how about we give away a free evaluation to one lucky winner? Read on to learn how to enter! It’s free, click a few buttons.
$150,000 Earn2Trade Gauntlet Mini ($350 value)
- Learn more about the $150K Gauntlet Mini at Earn2Trade
- This is for your first month only – if you go past 1 month you are responsible for the rebill and any resets you do
How To Enter:
1 entry per person. Please do all of the following (takes about 20 seconds):
- Comment on (and Like) the video Announcing The $150K Gauntlet Mini Giveaway with your favorite instrument to trade
- Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
- Follow the Earn2Trade Instagram Account
If you already meet the requirements (already follow, already subscribe, etc) you are good.
Bonus Entries From Previous Giveaway
The last giveaway I did in early July 2021 there was several ways to enter, and bonus entries available depending on which tasks you did or if you won and forfeited a prize you also have bonus entries. All your bonus entries will be included in this giveaway! I have the list of everyone and will add them all to the final list of entrants to this giveaway.
What You Win
The selected winner receives a 100% free $150K Gauntlet Mini from Earn2Trade! Read more about the Gauntlet Mini on the Earn2Trade.com website. Summary of goals and rules of the Gauntlet Minis (be sure to read the entire rule set on Earn2Trade). I will contact the winner with a promo code that is for 100% off the $150K Gauntlet Mini.
What If You Are Already In A Gauntlet Mini and/or Funded Already With Earn2Trade?
So I checked with Earn2Trade and here’s the deal:
- You CAN do multiple evaluations at the same time, under different emails. So NO, you can not have multiple tryout accounts under the same Rithmic log in. (no trade copiers)
- If you were to pass several accounts, you can only have 1 funded account, period. No separate emails or otherwise.
- So assuming you have your own evaluation and the giveaway one, and pass them both, you can choose which of them you want to use for funding (assuming the bigger one).
- Likewise, if you already have a funded account and won and passed, same thing. You could forfeit your current account if its smaller and take the new $150K account as a funded account. Up to you to manage this.
- IF you have a funded account with profit, I’ve been told you could move your current profits from the old account to the new
- Example: You have a funded $50K account, with $3K in profit. You don’t have to cash out your $3K funded profits and start fresh, you could just move whatever profits you have into the $150K funded account
- As well, the coupon for the winner doesn’t expire, so you could always save it for later on.
When Is The Giveaway
On September 1st at 10am EST I’ll do the drawing and video record it. I’ll put up a video showing the winner sometime a few hours after. Once I verify they did the activities they said they did, I’ll then contact the winner after releasing the video of the draw.
Notable Notes
- The Free $150K Gauntlet Mini is for your first month. If you take longer than 30 days you will have to pay for the 2nd month onwards
- If you break a rule you can reset, but you will be responsible for any reset fees
- If you spam the comments trying to enter multiple times, I’ll delete your comments and block you from the channel. Simple.
Risk Disclosure:
Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical Performance Disclosure:
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.
In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.
You can read more here: Risk Disclosure
Affiliate Disclosure:
The external links on my site and in my video descriptions to trader evaluation companies and software companies are primarily affiliate links. I earn a commission from these companies on any sale made from people visiting these links. That said, I only recommend companies and software I personally use and actually do recommend. Believe me, I turn down a lot of companies who approach me. You can read my full Affiliate Disclosure here.
Additional Disclosure:
The content provided is for informational purposes only. I do my best to keep the content current and accurate by updating it frequently. Sometimes the actual data, rules, requirements and other can differ from what’s stated on our website. CanadianFuturesTrader.ca is an independent website. You should always consult the rules, faqs, knowledge base and support of any of the websites and companies we link to or talk about on our site. The information on their site will always be what ultimately dictates the current rules of their program, software or other. While we are independent, we may be compensated for advertisements, sponsored products, or when you click on a link on our website. The contributors and authors are not registered or certified financial advisors. You should consult a financial professional before making any financial decisions.