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Learn Day Trading Psychology and Futures Trading Psychology

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Trading Psychology

Trading in futures is not just about analyzing charts and executing strategies; it’s equally about mastering one’s own psychological landscape, your day trading psychology. The psychological aspect of trading often determines the difference between success and failure, especially in a market as volatile and fast-paced as futures trading.

Turn Off Your P&L: Focus on Ticks

The psychological aspect of futures trading is often overshadowed by the technical side, yet it plays a crucial role in a trader’s success. A primary psychological challenge for many traders is the fixation on profit and loss (P&L). Constantly watching the P&L can lead to emotional trading decisions, driven by fear or greed, rather than rational analysis.

To counter this, seasoned traders often advise focusing on market ‘ticks’ rather than the P&L. A tick is the minimum price movement of a trading instrument, and focusing on these can shift a trader’s perspective from short-term gains or losses to the underlying market dynamics. This approach encourages traders to make decisions based on market behavior, not just on their immediate financial outcome.

By concentrating on ticks, traders learn to appreciate the nuances of market movements, developing a deeper understanding of market trends and patterns. This focus can help in developing a more disciplined trading strategy, reducing the emotional impact of sudden financial changes, and leading to more consistent decision-making.

Emphasizing ticks over P&L also aligns with the concept of process-oriented trading. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of following a well-defined trading process, including:

  • Entry and exit strategies
  • Risk management
  • Regular market analysis

By doing so, traders can evaluate their performance based on their adherence to their strategy, rather than just their financial results, leading to a more sustainable and less emotionally taxing trading experience.

Trade Execution and Moving On

Another key aspect of trading psychology is the ability to move on from trades, whether they result in a win or a loss. Dwelling on past trades can cloud judgment and lead to missed opportunities or unwise decisions. It’s crucial for traders to develop a mindset that accepts losses as part of the process and celebrates wins without becoming overconfident.

One effective way to cultivate this mindset is by setting predefined criteria for entering and exiting trades. This structured approach allows traders to execute trades based on their strategy, not emotions. Whether a trade is profitable or not, once it meets the exit criteria, the trader moves on, minimizing the emotional impact.

Additionally, keeping a trading journal can be beneficial. By documenting each trade and the reasoning behind it, traders can reflect on their decisions objectively. This practice not only aids in moving on from individual trades but also provides valuable insights for refining strategies and improving future performance.

Intuitive Trading: Letting Your Brain Lead

Intuitive trading represents a pivotal point in a trader’s journey, where experience and knowledge converge to guide decision-making. It’s the ability to make trading decisions that feel almost instinctual, yet are rooted in a deep understanding of market patterns and behaviors. Developing this intuition is a gradual process, built upon countless hours of observing market movements and understanding how various factors influence these movements.

The essence of intuitive trading lies in the trader’s ability to ‘read’ the market. This skill goes beyond mere technical analysis. It involves interpreting subtle cues and understanding the sentiment driving market trends. Experienced traders often describe intuitive trading as letting the market ‘speak’ to them, compelling them to make a trade based on a felt sense rather than a rigid set of rules.

However, reaching this level of proficiency requires a solid foundation of knowledge and practice. Traders need to immerse themselves in market dynamics, understand different trading instruments, and continuously analyze their trades and strategies. Over time, this rigorous practice translates into an ability to make swift, confident decisions, often under high-pressure conditions.

It’s important to note that intuitive trading is not about disregarding analysis or trading plans. Rather, it’s about enhancing these with a layer of intuitive insight. The most successful intuitive traders are those who can seamlessly blend analytical rigor with their market intuition.

Knowing When to Walk Away

A critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of trading psychology is recognizing when to step back from the trading desk. This ability to walk away, whether temporarily during a trading day or for a more extended period, is essential for maintaining a healthy perspective and emotional balance in trading.

Sometimes, the market simply does not behave in a predictable or favorable manner. On such days, attempting to force trades can lead to unnecessary losses. Experienced traders understand that not every day is ideal for trading and that stepping back can prevent rash decisions and preserve capital.

There will be times when traders will face a series of losses or find themselves struggling to execute their strategies effectively. In such scenarios, continuing to trade can often lead to ‘revenge trading’, where the trader tries to recover losses quickly, usually resulting in further losses.

Recognizing this emotional state and taking a break can help reset the mind and allow for a return to trading with a clear, focused mindset.

Continuous trading without breaks can lead to mental fatigue, reducing a trader’s ability to make sound decisions. Limiting trading hours and taking regular breaks can help maintain sharpness and focus, which are crucial for successful trading.

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Trading Discipline and Limitation

In the realm of futures trading, discipline is not just a virtue but a necessity for achieving long-term success. Understanding these elements is key to developing a sustainable trading practice that balances ambition with prudent risk management.

Limiting Trading Time Frames

A key strategy in managing both the psychological and financial aspects of futures trading is to limit one’s trading time frame. This approach involves defining specific hours during which a trader will be active in the market, beyond which they will refrain from trading.

This disciplined approach offers several benefits.

By restricting trading to certain hours, traders can concentrate their mental energy and focus during these periods. This heightened focus can lead to more deliberate and thoughtful trading decisions, as opposed to scattered and fatigued decision-making spread over longer hours.

One common pitfall in trading is overtrading, where traders make excessive trades, often driven by emotion rather than strategy. Limiting the trading time frame naturally curbs the tendency to overtrade. Each trade is more deliberate and aligned with the trader’s overall strategy.

Trading, especially at a professional level, can be intense and time-consuming. Setting a strict trading schedule helps maintain a healthy work-life balance, preventing burnout and ensuring that traders have sufficient time for:

  • Rest
  • Recreation
  • Personal commitments

Certain times of the day are more volatile or liquid than others. For example, market openings or the release of significant economic data can create conducive trading environments.

By scheduling trading activities around these times, traders can leverage the market’s dynamics more effectively. This will help with your day trading psychology.

Extended trading hours can amplify emotional stress, especially on losing days. By limiting trading hours, traders minimize their exposure to stressful situations, allowing for better emotional regulation and overall mental health.

Recognizing ‘Off’ Days

Every trader experiences ‘off’ days, where the market feels particularly challenging or their trading strategy just doesn’t seem to click. Recognizing and accepting these days is crucial for long-term success in futures trading.

Some days, the market might be unusually flat or erratic, making it difficult to apply standard trading strategies effectively. On such days, it’s often wiser to step back rather than try to force trades in unfavorable conditions.

Personal mood, health, or external distractions can significantly impact trading performance. On days when a trader is not at their best, mentally or physically, it’s prudent to recognize this and avoid trading. These factors can impair judgment and decision-making.

Encountering a series of losses can be disheartening and may lead to impulsive decision-making in an attempt to recoup losses. Recognizing when you’re on a losing streak and stepping away can prevent further emotional and financial damage.

Accepting ‘off’ days is part of developing a resilient trading mindset. It’s important to remember that not every day will be profitable and that taking a step back can sometimes be the most strategic decision a trader makes.

Responding to Underperformance

Responding effectively to underperformance is a critical skill for futures traders. It involves recognizing when one’s trading performance is not up to par and taking constructive steps to address the issue.

When facing a series of losses or poor performance, it’s essential to step back and analyze the root causes. This analysis might involve:

  • Reviewing recent trades
  • Examining market conditions
  • Assessing whether personal factors played a role

A thorough review can provide insights into what went wrong and how to adjust strategies accordingly.

Sometimes, underperformance can be a sign that your trading plan needs refinement. This could mean:

  • Adjusting your risk management strategies
  • Modifying your entry and exit criteria
  • Reassessing the markets you trade in

It’s crucial to adapt your plan to evolving market conditions and personal trading style.

A break from trading can be beneficial, especially after a tough period. It allows you to clear your mind, reduce stress, and come back with a fresh perspective. This pause can be a day, a week, or longer, depending on your needs.

Use the period of underperformance as an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills. This could involve studying market trends. You could also learn new trading strategies, or practicing with simulation trading.

Continuous learning is vital for long-term success in futures trading.

Sometimes, getting an external perspective can be invaluable. Seeking feedback from more experienced traders or mentors can provide new insights and guidance. They might offer advice on improving your strategies or help you identify blind spots in your trading approach.

It’s important to manage the emotional aspects of trading. Avoid the trap of ‘revenge trading’ or making impulsive decisions in an attempt to recover losses quickly. Developing a disciplined approach to trading, including emotional regulation, is key to bouncing back from underperformance.

Practical Tips and Advanced Techniques

As traders navigate the complex and fast-paced world of futures trading, practical tips and advanced techniques become invaluable tools in their arsenal. These components are essential for anyone looking to:

  • Refine their trading approach
  • Enhance decision-making skills
  • Achieve a higher level of success in the futures market

Technical Analysis in Futures Trading

Technical analysis serves as a cornerstone for many futures traders, offering a framework to anticipate and respond to market trends and patterns. This approach hinges on the principle that historical price actions and market behavior can provide clues about future movements.

The key to mastering technical analysis is the understanding and application of various tools and indicators.

Chart patterns, like:

  • Head and shoulders
  • Double tops and bottoms
  • Various types of triangles

They provide visual cues and are considered predictors of potential market movements. These patterns help traders in forecasting possible continuation or reversal of trends. The ability to identify and interpret these patterns accurately can be a significant advantage in futures trading.

Trend analysis forms another critical aspect of technical analysis. Trends, whether upward, downward, or sideways, indicate the general direction of the market.

Recognizing these trends, and aligning trading strategies with them, can significantly enhance the likelihood of successful trades.

  • Trend lines
  • Channels
  • Moving averages

These are commonly used tools for trend analysis, providing clear visual representations of market direction.

Technical indicators further enrich a trader’s arsenal. These include:

  • Moving averages
    • Which smooths out price data to identify trends
  • The Relative Strength Index (RSI)
    • Which calculates the changes in price movements
  • Bollinger Bands
    • Which assesses market volatility

Each indicator offers unique insights, helping traders make more informed decisions. For instance, moving averages can signal the strength of a trend, while the RSI can indicate overbought or oversold conditions.

It’s essential for traders to not only understand these tools but also to know how to combine them effectively. Successful technical analysis is not about relying on a single indicator or pattern but about integrating various tools to form a coherent analysis of the market. This integration allows traders to make more nuanced and informed trading decisions.

Risk Management

In the realm of futures trading, risk management is not just a practice but a necessity. Effective risk management strategies are vital to safeguard investments and ensure longevity in the trading career.

The first step in risk management is understanding and accepting that losses are a part of trading. This acceptance paves the way for implementing strategies to minimize and manage these losses.

A primary tool in risk management is the use of stop-loss orders. Stop-loss orders automatically close a trade at a pre-determined price level, thus limiting potential losses. This tool is crucial in helping traders stick to their trading plan and avoid emotional decisions.

Position sizing is another critical element. It involves determining how much capital to allocate to a particular trade, considering the overall trading capital and the risk level of the trade. Proper position sizing ensures that traders do not overexpose themselves to any single trade and distribute their risk more evenly.

Diversification, though more challenging in futures trading compared to traditional stock markets, can still play a role. By spreading investments across different futures contracts, traders can mitigate the risks associated with any one market. This strategy is particularly beneficial in managing sector-specific risks or geopolitical events that might impact certain commodities or financial instruments.

Finally, regular review and adjustment of risk management strategies are crucial. The futures market is dynamic, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Continuously evaluating and adjusting risk parameters in line with changing market conditions and personal trading performance is essential for effective risk management. Your day trading psychology will benefit from reviews.

Developing a Robust Trading Plan

A robust trading plan is the blueprint for success in futures trading. This comprehensive document should outline the:

  • Trader’s goals
  • Strategies
  • Risk tolerance
  • Criteria for entering and exiting trades

A well-thought-out trading plan acts as a guide, helping traders navigate the complexities of the market while maintaining discipline.

The first step in developing a trading plan is setting clear and realistic trading goals. These goals should be aligned with the trader’s:

  • Financial situation
  • Risk tolerance
  • Personal circumstances

Whether the aim is to generate steady income, preserve capital, or achieve high returns, these goals will dictate the trading style and strategies.

Risk tolerance is a key component of the trading plan. It determines how much risk a trader is willing and able to take in pursuit of their goals. This includes setting the maximum percentage of capital to risk on a single trade and establishing overall loss limits.

The choice of trading strategies is another crucial element. The plan should detail the specific conditions under which the trader will enter and exit trades, including:

  • Technical indicators
  • Market conditions
  • News events that will trigger trading actions

This clarity helps in maintaining consistency and avoiding impulsive decisions.

Regular review and adjustment of the trading plan are vital. The futures market is constantly evolving, and a static plan may quickly become obsolete. Regular reviews allow traders to adapt their strategies to new market conditions, learn from past trades, and refine their approach.

Lastly, a trading plan should emphasize the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. The futures market is complex, and ongoing education and skill development are crucial for staying ahead. This might include keeping abreast of market trends, learning new trading strategies, and staying informed about global economic conditions.

Learning and Growing as a Trader

Continual learning and improvement in futures trading encompass a blend of:

  • Market study
  • Self-reflection
  • Technological proficiency
  • Community engagement

This holistic approach is essential for staying competitive in the ever-changing world of futures trading, ensuring both professional growth and long-term success.

Learning from Real-World Examples

The journey of a futures trader is significantly enriched by learning from real-world examples. This learning involves delving into the experiences of seasoned traders and understanding their strategies and decisions that led to their success or failure.

For instance, examining how a renowned futures trader navigated the volatile periods of market crash or boom can offer invaluable insights. Such analysis might reveal their risk management techniques, how they adapted to sudden market shifts, and their discipline in sticking to or modifying their trading plans under pressure.

Additionally, case studies of both triumphant and challenging trading scenarios are profoundly educational. These real-life stories often highlight the importance of:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Quick decision-making
  • The ability to learn from mistakes

For example, a trader’s recovery strategy after a significant loss can teach more about resilience and adaptability than many theoretical concepts. Day trading psychology is a large discipline to master.

The modern trading landscape offers various platforms for interactive learning.

  • Webinars
  • Trading forums
  • Real-time market commentary

They provide opportunities to engage with experienced traders and gain insights into current market dynamics. Participating in these discussions can enhance one’s understanding of market sentiments and trading psychology, which are as crucial as technical skills in futures trading.

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Continual Learning and Improvement

For futures traders, the pursuit of continual learning and improvement is a non-negotiable aspect of their trading career. This ongoing process involves staying up to date with the latest trends. A significant part of this learning comes from regularly engaging with:

  • Financial news
  • Market analyses
  • Academic research

This keeps traders informed about global economic conditions. It aids in refining their trading strategies in line with market evolutions.

Self-analysis plays a pivotal role in a trader’s development. Regularly reviewing one’s own trades, both successful and unsuccessful, offers deep insights into:

  • Personal trading styles
  • Decision-making patterns
  • Areas needing improvement

This reflective practice helps in identifying successful strategies and common errors, facilitating a more informed and effective approach to future trades.

Embracing technological advancements is also a key part of continual learning. Modern trading platforms and software provide sophisticated tools that can significantly enhance your strategy. Utilizing these tools effectively can lead to better-informed trading decisions and improved overall performance.

Networking and community engagement are equally important. Joining trading communities and forums, attending industry conferences, and participating in educational workshops can expose traders to new ideas and perspectives. Sharing experiences with peers and mentors not only broadens one’s knowledge base but also provides support and motivation.

Market Analysis Techniques in Futures Trading

Understanding and applying various market analysis techniques such as fundamental analysis, sentiment analysis, and the impacts of global events and economic indicators are vital skills for futures traders. Your day trading psychology will benefit as well.

These techniques enable traders to make:

  • Informed decisions
  • Anticipate market movements
  • Manage risks effectively in the dynamic world of futures trading

Fundamental Analysis

This analysis focuses on the economic and financial factors that influence the value of futures contracts. In the context of commodity futures, this might involve analyzing:

  • Supply and demand factors
  • Weather conditions affecting agricultural products
  • Geopolitical events impacting oil prices

For financial futures like indices or currencies, fundamental analysis would include evaluating economic indicators such as:

  • GDP growth rates
  • Interest rate decisions by central banks
  • Employment data
  • Inflation rates

Company earnings reports and financial statements are also crucial for futures tied to individual stocks or bonds. Traders use this information to predict how these fundamental factors will impact future prices.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis revolves around the general mood or attitude of the market participants. This type of analysis often involves studying market commentary, news headlines, and even social media trends to gauge the market’s sentiment. For instance, widespread optimism or pessimism about the economy or a particular sector can significantly impact futures prices.

Tools such as sentiment indicators or surveys (like the Consumer Confidence Index) can provide valuable insights into market psychology. Traders use sentiment analysis to anticipate market reactions to news events or economic data releases.

Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis in Futures Trading

While technical analysis relies on price charts and historical data patterns, fundamental analysis looks at the underlying economic conditions. Successful futures traders often blend these two approaches, which ultimately leads to better day trading psychology.

A trader might use technical analysis to determine entry and exit points for trade while using fundamental analysis to choose which futures contracts to trade based on economic outlooks.

Impact of Global Events on Futures Prices

Global events such as geopolitical tensions, trade agreements, or international policy changes can significantly influence futures prices.

Trade tariffs imposed on a country might affect commodity prices like steel or soybeans. Similarly, political instability in oil-producing regions can lead to price volatility in crude oil futures. Traders must stay informed about global events and understand their potential impacts on different futures markets.

Analyzing Economic Indicators

Economic indicators are statistics about economic activities. Key indicators that futures traders monitor include:

  • Interest rates
  • Inflation
  • Employment numbers
  • Consumer spending

An interest rate hike by the Bank of Canada can strengthen the dollar, impacting currency futures. Similarly, strong employment data might signal a robust economy, affecting indices and bond futures. Understanding these indicators helps traders predict potential market movements.

Role of Company Earnings in Futures Trading

For futures contracts linked to stock indices or individual stocks, company earnings reports are a critical factor. Positive or negative earnings surprises can lead to significant price movements.

Traders must pay attention to:

  • Earnings forecasts
  • Actual earnings results
  • Guidance for future earnings

As these can influence market sentiment and future price trends.

Navigating Market Volatility in Futures Trading

Market volatility is an intrinsic and influential aspect of futures trading, where prices can fluctuate widely in a short period. This volatility, while potentially profitable, demands a strategic approach to navigate effectively.

The causes of market volatility are multifaceted. Economic data releases such as:

Geopolitical events can significantly impact investor sentiment, leading to sharp price movements. The increasing role of automated and algorithmic trading systems can amplify these fluctuations, creating a more volatile trading environment.

Adapt Strategies to Navigate the Market

In volatile markets, traders need to adapt their strategies. Traditional approaches might require modifications to accommodate the unpredictability of the market. This will all lead to benefit your day trading psychology.

For instance, employing wider stop-loss margins can help manage the risk of sudden price swings. Volatility also opens up opportunities for short-term trading strategies like scalping, where traders capitalize on small, rapid price changes. However, this approach demands quick decision-making and a high tolerance for risk.

Risk management takes on heightened importance in volatile conditions. This might mean reducing the size of positions to limit potential losses. Alternatively, you can start using derivative instruments like options for hedging against adverse price movements.

Managing leverage is also crucial. Lower leverage reduces the risk of significant losses in unpredictable market conditions.

Diversifying trades across different futures contracts can also be a valuable strategy in volatile markets. Since different commodities or financial instruments may react differently to the same set of conditions, diversification can spread and potentially mitigate risk.

Adjusting trading plans to account for volatility involves both preparation and flexibility. Traders should have a clear plan for entering and exiting trades in volatile markets but remain adaptable as market conditions evolve.

In such scenarios, technical analysis can become even more critical. Chart patterns and technical indicators, as we discussed above, might reveal market sentiments and potential price movements that are not immediately apparent from fundamental analysis alone.

Finding the Best Time to Trade Futures

In the high-stakes arena of futures trading, where fortunes are made and lost with the market’s ebb and flow, timing is pivotal. This comprehensive guide has traversed the multifaceted landscape of futures trading, from the mechanics and strategies to the critical role of day trading psychology.

Here, we integrate these insights to address the central question: How does one determine the best time to trade futures?

Harmonizing Market Mechanics With Trading Strategy

The foundation of successful trading lies in understanding the mechanics of futures:

  • Leverage
  • Margin
  • Settlement types

This knowledge, coupled with an appropriate trading strategy lays the groundwork. The best time to trade is when these strategies align seamlessly with market mechanics.

For instance, a day trader may find the most success during market openings, leveraging the increased volatility and liquidity.

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Psychology: The Heartbeat of Trading

The psychological aspect of trading is often the fulcrum on which success balances. Recognizing that the best trading decisions are influenced more by psychological readiness than by pure financial analysis is crucial.

Traders must gauge their comfort with market conditions, aligning their activities with periods where their psychological fortitude is at its peak. This might mean trading when the market’s behavior echoes their intuitive understanding or when their mindset is best equipped to handle potential losses.

Timing and Market Analysis Techniques

The integration of fundamental and sentiment analysis offers a roadmap for identifying opportune trading times. Understanding these will help with your day trading psychology:

These can pinpoint periods of potential profitability. Traders should focus on times when their analysis suggests a confluence of favorable market conditions.

Navigating Market Volatility

Volatility is a double-edged sword in futures trading. While it presents opportunities, it also poses risks.

The best time to trade often depends on a trader’s ability to navigate these waters. Strategies need to be adapted to market volatility, with a focus on risk management and leveraging periods of high market activity for potential gains.

The Sum of Parts: A Balanced Approach

Ultimately, determining the best time to trade futures is a balanced approach that considers:

  • Market trends
  • Psychological readiness
  • Analysis techniques
  • Volatility

It requires a continuous adaptation to the market’s rhythms, a thorough understanding of one’s trading strategy, and an acute awareness of one’s psychological state.

Master the Market: Trade to Win Today

Finding the best time to trade futures is a nuanced art, blending market knowledge, strategic planning, and day trading psychology acumen. This guide has offered a comprehensive pathway to understanding these dynamics, empowering traders to make informed decisions and capitalize on market opportunities.

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Risk Disclosure:

Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Hypothetical Performance Disclosure: 

Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.

In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.

You can read more here: Risk Disclosure

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The external links on my site and in my video descriptions to trader evaluation companies and software companies are primarily affiliate links. I earn a commission from these companies on any sale made from people visiting these links. That said, I only recommend companies and software I personally use and actually do recommend. Believe me, I turn down a lot of companies who approach me. You can read my full Affiliate Disclosure here.

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The content provided is for informational purposes only. I do my best to keep the content current and accurate by updating it frequently. Sometimes the actual data, rules, requirements and other can differ from what’s stated on our website. is an independent website. You should always consult the rules, faqs, knowledge base and support of any of the websites and companies we link to or talk about on our site. The information on their site will always be what ultimately dictates the current rules of their program, software or other. While we are independent, we may be compensated for advertisements, sponsored products, or when you click on a link on our website. The contributors and authors are not registered or certified financial advisors. You should consult a financial professional before making any financial decisions.