Patrick Wieland is a futures trader who streams daily from his BDH warehouse in Florida. He is a large influence in the futures space, both loved and hated. No doubt Patrick Wieland puts in the work and has built his OnlyProps brand be a huge influence in the space. He is not without his shortcomings and past controversies though.

Patrick has somehow escaped past controversies, both notable (discussed further below). Some people question how legitimate his trading acumen is, and rightfully so. With day after day of supposed big profits, all while promoting his $200 course and affiliate links to every firm under the sun, it is definitely obvious Patrick Wieland’s main source of income is definitely not trading itself.
In all fairness, he fully admits he is an entertainer first, and that the majority of his income comes from courses and affiliate marketing.
Before we get into the highs and lows of Patrick Wieland, be sure to check my Exclusive Promos page – I always have a discount on the best futures prop firms just for you!
Patrick Wieland Controversy #1: Cookie Stuffing
You might be asking what exactly is cookie stuffing? Well to put it in basic terms, Patrick Wieland had his website set up in a way that if you visited it, even without clicking any links, he would load cookies into your computer with his affiliate links and codes.
For example, if you visited Patrick Wieland website, not click a single link, but then a week later visit a site like Apex Trader Funding (my #1 futures firm FYI), and bought something (even if you visited through a different affiliates link), then the sale and all futures sales would be attributed to him.
This practice is forbidden in the affiliate world, and is generally bad business. Patrick Wieland was caught red handed doing this. But the fall out? Nothing basically. He played dumb, said his web developers must have set that up, and soon every forgot. It speaks to Patrick Wielands character though.
Patrick Wieland Controversy #2: Sim Trading Pretending It’s Real
In the not too distant past, Patrick Wieland was caught doing a classic fake guru move: sim trading. Essentially not trading actual money, but acting as if it is. This tactic has been used in the Forex (FX) influencer world for many years, and naturally it made its way to futures. Don’t get me wrong, several futures traders who post videos have done this move, one recently being DannyTrades which was even worse since he was part owner in a new prop firm, yet faking his trading.
These days Patrick Wieland seems to trade mainly prop firm evals, which he has access to unlimited free accounts from the companies he promotes. It is fairly easy to yolo trade 20 accounts when you know if you blow them, you can easily reset and trade new accounts for free. His previous soul sponsor, Topstep, actually has put him on blast several times now that he no longer represents him, letting everyone know this is exactly how Patrick seems successful. Non stop, 100+ resets weekly all for free in the name of promotion.
Patrick Wieland – The Internet Troll
This isn’t so much a controversy, just fact. Patrick Wieland basically acts like a 12 year old boy online. Constant twitter battles, calling out other streamers, making degrading comments towards others, and outright making fun of his previous exclusive sponsor TopStep (who dropped him fyi).
Unfortunately since the futures space is filled with 20 something year old males who buy into the alpha male, overly hyped up fake guru attitude. In the long run we all learn our lessons either the easy or hard way, and ultimately people will realize just watching a 40 something year old man act 12 won’t actually make them better at trading.
The above is just my general opinion of Patrick Wieland and I wanted to highlight some of the past that people often forget about. Honestly he is entertaining, but that is it, entertainment. If you believe you will learn any actual tangible trading skills from him, you are on a fools errand. A fake guru who ultimately is getting YouTube views for entertainment, all the while misguiding prospective futures traders with the dream.
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Risk Disclosure:
Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical Performance Disclosure:
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.
In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.
You can read more here: Risk Disclosure
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The external links on my site and in my video descriptions to trader evaluation companies and software companies are primarily affiliate links. I earn a commission from these companies on any sale made from people visiting these links. That said, I only recommend companies and software I personally use and actually do recommend. Believe me, I turn down a lot of companies who approach me. You can read my full Affiliate Disclosure here.
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The content provided is for informational purposes only. I do my best to keep the content current and accurate by updating it frequently. Sometimes the actual data, rules, requirements and other can differ from what’s stated on our website. is an independent website. You should always consult the rules, faqs, knowledge base and support of any of the websites and companies we link to or talk about on our site. The information on their site will always be what ultimately dictates the current rules of their program, software or other. While we are independent, we may be compensated for advertisements, sponsored products, or when you click on a link on our website. The contributors and authors are not registered or certified financial advisors. You should consult a financial professional before making any financial decisions.