Understanding Margin In Futures Trading
Understanding margin in futures trading can be new to traders. Most people new to tradingRead More…

Learning How To Lose In Trading
Learning how to lose in trading is very important. I’ve said it before – tradingRead More…

What Is The Front Month In Futures Trading
I remember the first time I started futures trading, and the 2nd day my platformRead More…

From Trading Evaluation to Funded Trader – Some Tips and Thoughts
As someone who has gone through quite a few trader evaluation programs and on toRead More…

Jigsaw Daytradr – Fun With Colours
If you’ve watched any of my videos you know I use Jigsaw Daytradr as myRead More…

Benefits of Trading the US Treasuries
I started trading the US Treasuries (Ultrabond and 30 Year Bond, UB & ZB) aboutRead More…

My Pre Trading List – Success In Day Trading
The pre trading list, a key to success in day trading. There’s so many goodRead More…

Tip To Pass Trader Evaluations From A Funded Futures Trader
You want to pass trader evaluations, plain and simple. The entire “Canadian Futures Trader” identityRead More…

Redundancy in Futures Trading – Preventing Disaster
I didn’t really set out to establish redundancy in my trading, it came out ofRead More…

My Advice: Don’t Pay For Trading Courses
This is just my opinion, in a nutshell: Don’t pay for anything educational courses relatedRead More…