5 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Day Trader
I see day traders make several mistakes that are limiting their potential, or just flatRead More…

How To Deal With Frustration When Trading
Let’s face it: many futures traders make decent profits, and then suddenly, they encounter aRead More…

Profitable Mindset Of Great Traders
How to become a successful day trader? Many people have the funds and strategies toRead More…

What Is Day Trading Daily Life?
While day trading has been around for a few decades, its popularity skyrocketed in recentRead More…

Why It Is Important To Journal Your Futures Trading
I’ve always been a fan of journaling my trades and encouraging other futures traders toRead More…

What Are The Best Trading Movies Ever
Sometimes it’s good to relax and enjoy a good movie. There’s some entertaining trading moviesRead More…

The Basics of Day Trading
It was not too long ago that lot of people didn’t have access to tradeRead More…

5 Tips (+ 2 Bonus Tips)To Pass Funded Futures Trader Evaluations
As someone who has taken quite a few funded trader evaluations and this last yearRead More…

Business and Math Courses That Help You Be A Trader
As far as I know there are no specific “learn to be a futures trader”Read More…

Why Trading Shouldn’t Be Exciting
A lot of new traders think the world of trading is exciting and full ofRead More…