2024 Update: I no longer actively promote Uprofit as they had several rule changes in the year that were sneaky and only lead to denied payouts. I won’t be updating this page any longer. Use at your own discretion, personally I would stick with the firms I currently endorse: Visit my Deals and Promotions Page

I was able to interview Lindsay Duff the founder of Uprofit. Learn about Lindsay as a trader, her training company called Responsible Day Trading, and why she started Uprofit (formerly Uprofit Trader). Uprofit continues to innovate and we talk about the newly launched $200K evaluation program in this interview.
You can listen to the audio version of this interview here: Canadian Futures Trader Interview With Lindsay Duff of Uprofit.
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Uprofit has long been in my Top 5 Trader Evaluations. They were the first to offer payouts in under 24 hours, a variety of payout methods, and very reasonable rules to pass the evaluation.
Canadian Futures Trader:
In today’s video, we were fortunate enough to talk with Lindsay Duff from Uprofit Trader and also, Responsible Day Trading. We get into her background as a trader, how she came to start Responsible Day Trading, and then the genesis as well of Uprofit Trader. Of course, what interview wouldn’t be complete without the rapid-fire questions at the end? You won’t want to miss Lindsay’s answers to those. Everyone, enjoy my interview with Lindsay Duff. Today, we are fortunate enough to get to talk with Lindsay, the founder of Uprofit Trader. Lindsay, how are you doing today?
Lindsay Duff:
Hello. I am fabulous. I’m happy to be here. Thank you for having me.
Canadian Futures Trader:
No, thank you so much for spending some time with me and I know it’s much requested. A lot of people love hearing interviews with the founders especially of Uprofit Trader. So we have lots to talk about. So as always, we’re going to start learning about Lindsay as a trader first of all, then we’ll get into her venture with Responsible Trading as well, and then move on to Uprofit Trader, the Funded Trader program, and of course what interview would be complete without my rapid-fire questions at the end. We’ll save those. So Lindsay, let’s get to know you first. When did you start trading and what did you start with? Was it futures, was it something else?
Lindsay Duff:
Let me just tell you, I do feel like I have a little bit of a unique story in how I got started in trading. I was a bartender with a Criminal Justice degree, single mom, two kids, never seen a marketed day in my life. And there was a gentleman that I worked with whose brother had a company that was teaching people how to day trade and they were little by little taking the really smart guys that I worked with. And one day, I kind of cornered them and told them that I was way smarter than those guys and they needed to hire me as well and a week later, I was hired. After never seeing a marketed day in my life, I did sit in the conference room and learned everything from the ground up for quite a few months. And I only came into the world of futures. I had never traded anything else. I didn’t even know anything else except for E-Mini Futures. And they were trading the Russell at that time, which they eventually moved over to the E-Mini S&P, and I’ve been there ever since. And that was about 15 or 16 years ago.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Wow, okay. That’s fantastic. Yeah, it’s interesting because most people seem to go through a journey of like stocks or options or FX and they find their way to futures. You were just there from the start, day one.
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah, I’m actually opposite. I found my way to stocks. E-Minis is all I’ve ever really done, tick charts, those kind of things. And I actually feel very lucky to be able to have come into it in that way because after all these years of working with lots of students through Responsible Day Trading and the other companies that I’ve worked with in the past, it really showed me that there are so many other ways. Do they work? Absolutely. But this has definitely been something that’s worked for me very well. So I like the style that I was introduced to and I’m very happy that it went the way it did.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Perfect. So you’ve already answered one of my next questions. I was going to ask, what products do you trade? Do you ever venture outside of the E-Mini or is it just E-Mini and blinders on, that’s it?
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah, so it’s E-Mini S&P 500 pretty much. I will every once in a while dabble with a micro just for fun and to show my students at Responsible Day Training that you can trade, you can start off with something like Micros and even start off simulating with Micros. But yes, that’s pretty much it. Like I said, I trade a few stocks and dabble a little bit with cryptos, but otherwise my bread and butters all in E-Mini Futures.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Alright, nice. Cool. I want to ask you a little bit more about Responsible Day Trading in a minute, but first, before we jump out of getting to know you as a trader, I’m curious, what software do you use to trade? Is it the classic ninja trader? Do you venture into something else?
Lindsay Duff:
Oh yeah, I started with Trade Station at that first company and after, I think, our first year there, they moved over to Ninja Trader, and I have been with them ever since. I am like a Ninja Trader girl through and through. I’m a firm believer in it. Yeah, and it’s really funny because even the guy who I work with on a regular basis at Ninja Trader right now was there whenever we made the switch over 15 years ago, and so it’s really awesome to still be able to talk to him through there. You know you’re doing something right when you’re keeping your people around that long.
Canadian Futures Trader:
No kidding, yeah. So I think I heard you say tick charts. My question is what are your cues to enter trade? Do you have specific trade setups? You don’t have to give away the farm, but just what’s your style of trading, et cetera? You know, what are you looking for?
Lindsay Duff:
So I do what I call a generational system. I call it a generational system and basically I’ve got a large medium and a small chart. I’m using tick charts and I’m very, very big on Fibonacci numbers. Everything I do is based off Fibonacci numbers because it’s very cyclical. And really, I’m just looking at patterns and pullbacks. I’m looking at my middle chart, which is typically my 1597 for the setups. I’m looking to my smallest chart, which is typically my 233 for the opportunity to have a very low risk, and I’m looking at something like my 1097 tick chart for the longevity of the trade. And so the smaller tick chart allows me just to keep the risk really, really low. It’s on the same market. We’re still looking for patterns but when you see all of them come together like that, sorry, I’m using three EMAs and so I’m using a 155 and a 144 EMA and I’m using a MacD that we actually developed for responsible day trading. It is a MacD that has an ADX indicator on it. I had one that had an ADX indicator and one that had colored dots and I wanted them merged so I got somebody to do it because I didn’t know how to do it. So I got someone to make it for me and it’s amazing. I love it. It’s very simplistic we’re just looking for support and resistance, slowdowns, pullbacks and the opportunity for an area to run to the next area.
Canadian Futures Trader:
It’s interesting talking to different traders and whatnot that I have been lately. Everybody has their thing, their tools they use and their indicators and their systems they use and everybody finds their own way and it works out great and hey, we can all make money in the future.
Lindsay Duff:
Absolutely, and that’s one of the things that I actually love about this and people don’t think much about it, but because all our trading is so different, learning to read the pullbacks and knowing where the pullbacks happen and yeah, you can trade it when it’s going either way because there are so many traders out there making different decisions and a pullback is just a viable trade as the run to take as long as you understand where that pullback should probably stop. But those pullbacks wouldn’t happen if we didn’t have just so many different thoughts and opinions in the market. Otherwise it just runs in one straight line and nobody would have an opportunity to get in.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So speaking of Responsible Day Trading, I know that is a big part of what you do. I’m curious to learn more about Responsible Day Trading. Maybe just start off, tell us why did you start Responsible Day Trading?
Lindsay Duff:
Sure. So I had throughout the years ended up working for several different day trading companies and was really seeing that a lot of the students were not getting what they were promised. They were only getting pieces of the puzzle and that means that a lot of the information that they really needed to maintain success or to maintain consistency wasn’t there. They were also told they were getting a lot of handholding and things like that and that wasn’t there as well. So one of the reasons that I actually got involved with the company is because I’m a teacher at heart and I love working with people and I love seeing them grow. And so we decided we were going to be a little bit different here and just make sure that we work with these students and we’re there with them through the entire process.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So if someone was to go over Responsible Day Trading, what can they expect and what is it that Responsible Day Trading really offers to traders?
Lindsay Duff:
Sure. More than anything, we try and educate. Number one, we do have a user guide for people who are beginners so they can just learn about E-Minis and futures and things like that but we definitely go further than that. We have a full written and video curriculum that walks students from A to Z. We have a platform fundamentals course that actually teaches people how to use Ninja Trader because that is one of the things that happens when people come in to learn to trade is they don’t realize that there’s also a process of learning the programs that you’re going to use to trade with. So we’ve taken a lot of time and really broken down how to use the Ninja Trader Program, how to understand it, what all the buttons do, and then we break down the course. What are the EMAs, what are we anticipating for them, what does strength and weakness look like? And we do that through everything; through the price, through the EMAs, through the MACDs, and they have homework that they do. So once they’re done with a section of the course, we ask them to do homework and then they ask you to send me 10 examples of head and shoulders. And most people know what head and shoulders are, but I’m going to understand by number eight, if you really know what head and shoulders are when you send me 10 screenshots of what you anticipate head and shoulders to be. And sometimes you can see. And I’m also going to understand what you don’t know about Head and Shoulders by example number eight. So I create a video or me or Jason my head coach. We create a video going over our student’s homework and saying, this one is correct, this one is not correct and here’s why. And if you feel like they don’t understand it at that point, then we go in even deeper and bring up more examples. Here’s what you should be looking for, here’s why. And so we really just want to make sure that each concept, each basic concept is understood before they move to the next one because it’s just building on that process. And so we create a video and those are available to our students. We put it unlisted on YouTube so they can just access it as many times as they need. They can download it if they want, they can have it in their arsenal and go back and say, okay, what piece am I missing? How do I understand? And I even have them resubmit the homework sometimes if I really feel like they don’t understand. But everything’s got a written and video curriculum for the entire course. But we also have growth and development videos, which goes even deeper, and they were classes that we did do a little bit before the pandemic hit. We actually walked through with a bunch of students live going through the entire course. We had a guest speaker come in and go through mindset with them. We just went through what are differences between a professional trader, things like that, and just really learning about things deeper into trading. We also do one-on-ones with our students. So once they go through the whole curriculum, we have one-on-ones that they can set up with us once they start simulating. And so they’ll simulate, we’ll go through these trades together and start talking about what are they missing that they’re getting into earlier. Maybe they’re getting in too late or I can see if they’ve got a little bit of FOMO going on or if they’re revenge trading. All those kind of things we can talk about and discuss and talk about ways to overcome them. And a lot of times, to be very honest with you, ways to overcome them have nothing to do with trading and overcoming some of the stuff that they’re battling in their minds that are outside of trading, and just talking about different books they might want to read that just kind of helps them be present and in the moment. And being able to watch them grow through that is such an amazing experience, honestly. We also have one other thing. We have the vault, which is about three and a half years of my trading. So I do have the YouTube channel, but the Vault is the full day of trading. The YouTube channel is just a 10 minute, these are all the trades that we took. The vault is everything. And I’m a talker obviously, so I talked through all of my trades, why I’m taking one, why I’m holding and sometimes I’m even talking about, I took this trade because I wasn’t paying attention, being very honest and open about the losses that I might have taken. Saying that I took this, I can see that I wasn’t waiting, you could hear me, I was on the phone, you could see I was typing on something else and I wasn’t giving it my full attention and this is why I lost the trade. Or just anything like that so they can see number one, that they’re not alone in taking trades that don’t work out because we’re going to all take trades that don’t work out, but how do you handle your mental state and how do you handle your account after that? And so number one, letting them know that they’re not alone, that we are real people, that we are doing this too. But number two, to also just give them another piece to put in their arsenal so that they can go out there and say, okay, I can watch these videos and get more and more input on how this is put together. That’s a lot, I’m sorry. I know I talked a lot about it.
Canadian Futures Trader:
No, but I think it’s a long answer for a good reason. And a few things you said that I just want to re-emphasize or circle back to. Just one. Yeah, learning the basics. So obviously, I’m more heavily focused on like the trader evaluation world, but day in and day out, new traders coming in and they don’t know the basics. They’ve never seen Ninja Trader before in their life so they need those basics and unfortunately it’s not always provided with funded accounts so they need a resource to go learn this stuff.
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah. Well, and Ninja Trader does have videos but they’re very (the words I want to use is kind of) mechanical. And this we’re going through as a user. Hey, these are the buttons you’re going to really want to use most. These are the ones and this is what they’re going to do. This is how you set up your ATM strategies, those kind of things that are very important upfront, but also how do you install it? And also Jason is a very technical person, so thank goodness for that because I am not. So anytime any student has an issue setting up their ninja trader, he connects with them and gets on and helps them set it up as well. And we also modify as we’re going along so when we realize that maybe things have changed with Ninja Trader or maybe we didn’t make the video thorough enough and we’ve had several people reach out and ask the same question, well that tells us that we need to make another video over that because there’s multiple people who have the same question. And so we will add on and create more so that we can make sure that every piece is touched.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, absolutely. And I hear you and you’re right. The Ninja Trader videos on YouTube, they’re great if you know specifically what you’re looking for, but just as a new user, you need to know. How do you install this thing? Where do you start? Where do you enter your account information? All of that stuff sounds simplistic, but it’s overwhelming when you’re new.
Lindsay Duff:
How do I download indicators, how do I bring them up on the screen, how do I change the size of things if it looks weird or what does this f in the corner mean? All those kind of things.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So beyond the basics, if you will, or the starting points for a trader, you also touched on a few things like trader education as far as using the different indicators and whatnot, and trader psychology, which I think is huge. Because one thing I did notice is you do have the one-on-one coaching and or just the coaching videos in general. So it sounds like it’s really a full package.
Lindsay Duff:
And the students can’t make it to the one-on-one because I do have students in opposite ends of the world. So sometimes they can’t make it to the one-on-one. So they’ll send me their charts and we are very specific about the way they’re set up so we can discuss them just as though we are on a Zoom video together or something like that. And one of the great things about Zoom is I can take over their charts or their screen and move their charts around and we can be in the same spot and talk about the same thing and be very clear about it. But if they can’t make it to that, then they’ll send me all of their screenshots. I’ll spend, I did one this morning that it was about 45 minutes going through all of their trades, very specific about their entries. I make them mark where their stop is and we talk about if their stops in the right place to keep them from getting hit while they’re in there. Those kind of things. It’s very in depth, very thorough.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, and I think that’s a lot of traders could benefit from exactly these types of things.
Lindsay Duff:
From getting feedback and knowing. Because what I find is so many traders make assumptions about themselves from something that they’ve only got part of the answer to. And so they go in there and go, oh, I’m just an awful trader. Well no, you could be an amazing trader and just had a little bit of an awful strategy that you were using. You have a strategy that doesn’t work that maybe worked for someone else. And that’s another thing honestly about Responsible Day Trading is we don’t try and fit you into our box. So we have a bunch of different chart sizes that work together well. If something like being in and out much quicker works for you, we can work with you on how to lower the risk, use smaller charts, the ones that will go together and flow together best. Or if you want to hold for longer, we’ve got like the 28657-tick chart so that that shows us a much bigger picture. So you don’t have to fit into our box. You may take the second entry and that’s cool. We’ll talk about how you can best position yourself to not take the first entry and look for the extra confirmation. Or you may be the person that’s always taking that first entry. That’s cool. We’ll talk about it and figure out the best strategy for you to make sure that you are doing the right thing and not getting run over every time. So you’re definitely not having a fixed fit into a box. And that’s why I named it Responsible Day Trading. It’s about being responsible, it’s about being present and it’s about finding what works best for you. And we’re going to help you. We’re going to help you learn that and understand that.
Canadian Futures Trader:
One thing is I wish I had something like Responsible Day Trading in my life when I started as a trader because I really went through a lot of the growing pains on my own and I know for sure it would’ve been fast tracked and saved myself a lot of frustration and just a better learning curve. And I tell people too, if you’re looking to make futures trading or any type of trading your career for the rest of your life, invest a little bit of time, invest a little bit of effort, become the best trader you can. So something like Responsible Day Trading helps.
Lindsay Duff:
Like I said, I came in in a very unique position where I was paid to learn. And I love working with people and seeing them grow so all I could ever think about was the way I’m going to give back for being able to have that unique position. And this is how I’ve been able to. Between this and Uprofit trader is what’s allowed me to do that. Because we do bring on scholarship students to Responsible Day Trading as well. We run a scholarship program every October and we had a lot of people sign up for it and we had to pick two of all of that. And it was hard but it was wonderful and it was rewarding and all the other people that we met, some of them ended up joining us anyways after that. And these people become, especially because we’re spending so much time working with them, they become like, I know that sounds so cliche, they become like family to me. There are some of these people I talk to every day. Like, how are you doing? How are your kids? And if they’re going to put in the effort we’re going to as well. If they’re going to be working hard, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure their mindset is in the right space and that they’re ready to go.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Anyone listening to this, you should check out Responsible Day Trading. I’m going to put links down below in the video to both Responsible Day Trading and Uprofit Trader, which we’re going to talk about in a second. But I have one more question for you before we spin off into Uprofit. Relates to it, it’s a nice transition. You’ve got Responsible Day Trading going on, you’ve got Uprofit trader. Besides just managing those companies, you’re also a trader yourself. How do you manage your day? How do you manage your time? Tell us all about it.
Lindsay Duff:
It’s wild, let me tell you. And I have two kids. They’re 17 and 19 so they manage themselves pretty well. But at the same time, it is really about making sure that I manage my time wisely. I’m up early because I do like to also find time to work out and to just breathe sometimes. So I do trade just here and there. Sometimes all I need is 15, 20 minutes and I can do what I need. Sometimes I need two, three hours just really depending on how the market is moving that day. But I do make sure I have time to trade because that’s what I’m here for. But I do make sure I make time to trade because I do want to keep my skills going. It doesn’t allow me as much time to make the YouTube videos anymore, but we’re working on some solutions for that. So I try and take just a little bit of time, I try and manage my time wisely, I meditate, I do yoga, I breathe, still get frustrated sometimes, I just take it one step at a time. And that doesn’t mean that I trade every day. Sometimes I’ll go a week and I’ll be like man, I need to get some trading done. But I do try and schedule it in for sure.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Nowhere near as busy as you, but I can appreciate some of that. I personally also, and this is one thing I tell people when they ask me, I trade four hours. Four hours a day is my max. Like 8:00 AM to 12 Eastern and I’m done. And I see these people trading like every waking hour they possibly can in the evening session, everything. And I’m like, dudes, you’re burning yourselves out and there’s just as much opportunity. Take that time and go learn.
Lindsay Duff:
We do have such a big Spanish community in Uprofit Trader and I think it’s very important that I’m able to communicate with everyone. I can’t learn every language right away but I’ll work on it. We have big French community as well so that will be my next step after I learn Spanish. But right now, every waking hour that I’m not working or even when I’m sitting on the couch with my kid watching tv, I’m learning Spanish.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So you mentioned Uprofit Trader, I’ve mentioned it. Let’s talk Uprofit Trader and that’s what I’m most familiar with. So I’m really curious, I come from a corporate business background so I’m always interested in the beginnings of companies. Tell us a little bit about it. How long did it take to plan Uprofit Trader and what made you want to start Uprofit trader?
Lindsay Duff:
Well, Uprofit Trader was kind of born out of the same idea as Responsible Day trading. I had worked with one of my partners as a trader. He had come to me when he needed some help with his trading when I was just kicking off Responsible Day Trading and we just stayed friends throughout time. And we were seeing some things that were going on. So I would say it probably took us about nine months to really get it going because there’s a lot of hoops you’ve got to jump through and there’s a lot of agreements you’ve got to sign, and so you want to make sure that you have the best that you can for your traders so that the environment is as best as possible, and that takes work to filter through everything and make sure that all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed and the website works properly so our traders can do what they need. So I would say it probably took about nine months for us to really get it kicked off.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So for anyone who’s listening there, maybe this is the first-time hearing about this world of futures trading or evaluations. Can you just summarize on the most basic or 10,000-foot level. How does an evaluation work? They go, they sign up, what is happening? What are they signing up for?
Lindsay Duff:
Okay, so you would go to the website and you would decide what size account that you would trade. Hopefully, and I say this, hopefully you come into this with the mindset of you already have a trading background because we want you to be able to come in and do well. And so what we have is a couple of different programs from a micro program to the E-Minis. You’re going to choose what size account you want to use. Whatever size account you choose, there are going to be specific rules that are a little bit different for each account. Of course, as it gets larger, the accounts get larger, you have a little bit more leeway with things than you would with a smaller account. As long as you stay within those rules for 10 trading days, then you are able to get funded. Now, when you do get funded just let you know you are going to need to send in things like proof of who you are and things like that. And some of that verification does take a little bit of time at the end because we want to make sure that our customers are protected. We do go through a little bit of a process to get you funded. Just a verification process to get you funded once you pass your test and then you’re pretty much good to go after that. And you want to stay within some specific boundaries then as well, but you’re able to start pulling out money from your account pretty much from day one after that as long as you’re within some specific boundaries for each account. Really, as long as you come in, you stay within the rules, you have 10 trading days, then you’re able to get our live account at that point.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I think most people who are listening to this and follow me are familiar with it but just for anyone who is new, you can obviously check out Uprofit Trader’s website. And speaking of the website, you just completely redesigned the website. So also, I’m going to throw in here.
Lindsay Duff:
It took forever.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I have to say, if I hear one complaint about Uprofit, it was the old website but that’s okay. Problem solved.
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah, I know. We’d heard it. The website was having issues before and it was I think we grew so fast that we weren’t prepared for that much growth and it’s a beautiful thing as it cheers to good problems. But we wanted to make sure that we were able to accommodate everybody and we also wanted to make sure that it was speedy because it was very slow before and I think we have fixed that problem now. We’re very happy with it. It’s a beautiful site.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, it looks fantastic and it is speedy. The other thing you introduced, which I was even more excited about, was a 200K evaluation. Quick humble brag, I took it, I passed already, I still need to put in the full 10 days. We just heard about the rules but I still have a few more days left. But that said, what’s the feedback for me is it’s fantastic. What’s the feedback been to Uprofit on the 200K?
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah, that’s what I’m hearing. I was actually going to tell you congratulations. I did see that you had posted a video that said that you had passed it. But it’s what we expected and people asked for it. And I think you were actually even one that asked for it too.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Early on.
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah, people ask for it and we really do try and accommodate as much as we can.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Fantastic. And yeah, I’m fully aware you guys are super busy and things take time. But at the same time, super happy when I saw that come up on the new site. It was some nice little treats here so people can check that out. So I can think of a few ways myself that Uprofit trader stands out from the competition, but I’m curious to hear from you what are the reasons people tell you they love Uprofit. Or if there’s one standout reason or a few you want to throw out, what are you hearing from the traders?
Lindsay Duff:
I would say number one is our customer service and the ability to get in touch with us fast, have problems solved. That is number one. Next in line would be a fight for the pro drawdown versus the withdrawal process. Because the withdrawal process, I think we are definitely best in the business for that because you have a 24-hour withdrawal option and you don’t get to see that with most places. So from day one.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I was going to say if I was to pick out a few of my favorite things, you’re absolutely right, customer service is always lightning fast, but the withdrawals really do stand out. I think people need to appreciate that. I feel like traders a lot of times go and sign up for whichever program based on the evaluation rules and then once they get funded, then they’re like, wait a second, I have to wait three months before I withdraw? Not with you guys but with maybe some other firm. But Uprofit Trader, besides the basically I call them on demand withdrawals, you also have a ton of withdrawal methods available which I think is cool. Things like crypto, Zelle, all that stuff. Not everybody has that.
Lindsay Duff:
Yeah, at the very beginning we did have a 41 day to withdraw, but to be quite honest with you, we’re all traders ourselves that work here and that started Uprofit Trader, and we looked and said what is it that we would want if we were on the other end of this. What would we want? And so we wanted to give that to people as well. And I do want to give a shout out to our customer service team because they really are amazing and I’m very proud to have them working with us because we’ve got a 4.9 on Trustpilot out of, I think it’s something like 4,500 reviews. And that’s a little hard to grab in these days and so we’ve got a high amount of people that are very happy with the way things are going and that makes us happy and makes us want to work harder.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Getting back to these traders, these people signing up, I’m curious. I put out a lot of content about the evaluations and showing my trading, but not everybody loves trading the treasuries like I do. What would be a few tips you could give traders just to help them with the evaluations?
Lindsay Duff:
My number one is get to know the system that you’re using. If you don’t already know how to use it, things like Ninja Trader, you could go over to responsible day trading and we do have a platform fundamentals course that walks you through everything you need to know for Ninja Trader. Make sure you understand the program you’re using, have a little bit of confidence that what you’re doing is the right thing to do and take a step back if it’s not working for you. Because you can reset your account every time if you want to, but you’re just kind of throwing money away and I’m saying that from the bottom of my heart. Just take a breath, step back and make sure that you really know what you’re doing before you step back into it. And that’s my biggest thing. My other thing is have somebody look over your trades. Don’t be alone in it. I’m not saying that you have to come to responsible day trading because obviously you may not work in the same way that we do with your trading, but work with people, collaborate and say okay, what am I doing? That’s the only way to learn and move forward is to really look at the things that you’re doing right and the things you’re doing wrong and learn from both of them in order to turn around and do better next time. I mean we do have plenty of traders who come in here and pull out profits regularly and it’s such a joy to be able to know that we’re a part of their growth and their happiness and their growth for being able to take care of their families. Especially when we first started this in the middle of a pandemic, because we did. We started it and a pandemic hit about two months later so that was fun. But really just take your time, breathe, don’t throw money at of it. What I call it is don’t click it and say a prayer. Know what you’re doing and take the step back that you need to if you’re frustrated or if you feel like you’ve really started doing some revenge trading and things like that. So that’s my biggest advice personally.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I think it’s fantastic advice and unfortunately, I think I speak a lot from my own experience and that’s why I think people like listening to my stuff. Because I went through the stuff and I learned a lot of stuff the hard way and I was one of those people who would just gun it and like bust and reset and be frustrated and then you’re just on a downward spiral. So yeah, when I finally learned to take my time and fix the things that were wrong in my trading, then it all came together. So one final question about Uprofit Trader, we kind of touched on it, but just so it’s clear for anyone. So they take the evaluation, they make it, they reach the profit goal, they haven’t broke any rules, they trade the 10 days, they submit the paperwork and their ID and whatnot. What’s that timeframe from the day you pass? Let’s say you pass on a whatever, a Wednesday. Is it a few days set up? Is it a week, is it a month? How long does it take to get your live account?
Lindsay Duff:
Well, you want to make sure number one, that you connect with support whenever this does happen. We’re working on more automation of everything but for right now, what we need to do is whenever you’re ready, when you pass your test, you let support know. We will start doing the evaluation, which can take three to five days. Then we send you the paperwork, the paperwork needs to be filled out. Also, reach back out to us, let us know that you’ve submitted the paperwork. Once you’ve submitted the paperwork, there is another couple of days that it may take before, and it’s business days, typically three to five business days for each of those, because we want to verify everything. More than anything, we want our traders to be protected. And so we go through every step to verify and we also make sure your account is set up properly and ready to go whenever that time comes.
Canadian Futures Trader:
And I’ll just mention from my own experience, I passed Uprofit back last year at some point. It’s all very clear in the communication you get from Uprofit. Like you mentioned, you have to reach out to support, but that’s very clear in everything. That kind of goes back and forth and the process is very seamless. Definitely not a hurdle, but I just wanted to make sure people knew. Cool. I think that is all the questions I had related to Uprofit, but I do have some more questions. No interview is complete without my rapid-fire questions. There’s only about seven of them. Some are trading, some are not. Whatever, the first thing that comes to your mind is, you let the people know. Are you ready?
Lindsay Duff:
I’m ready.
Canadian Futures Trader:
All right. Lindsay, what’s your favorite color?
Lindsay Duff:
Canadian Futures Trader:
You can only trade one product and one product only for the rest of your life. What is it?
Lindsay Duff:
That’s going to be the E-Mini S & P 500.
Canadian Futures Trader:
All right. No surprise there. Would you rather be long or would you rather be short in a trade?
Lindsay Duff:
Short moves faster but long gives you hope for some reason. But I guess I would have to go with shorts.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I love it. No, I love it though, the fast-moving ways. The next one, you have to be honest. Have you ever yoloed a trade?
Lindsay Duff:
I would be lying if I said I hadn’t.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I have not yet interviewed someone who has not yoloed a trade, myself included. So I appreciate the honesty.
Lindsay Duff:
I did use the click it and say a prayer method a couple of times. That’s how I know it so well.
Canadian Futures Trader:
That’s good to learn from experience. So an ideal number of monitors for you, a number between one and 10. What’s the ideal situation on the monitors?
Lindsay Duff:
Canadian Futures Trader:
Three. Last question. It’s kind of a layup. What’s your favorite online futures Trader Tryout program?
Lindsay Duff:
Well, I would say that must be Uprofit Trader.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Perfect. I love it and I highly encourage everyone to check out Uprofit Trader for all the reasons we talked about and lots more. And you can check out my videos about Uprofit Trader and all those links are down below as well as to responsibledaytrading.com. Lindsay, thanks again so much for being here.
Lindsay Duff:
Thank you for having me. It’s been a joy.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Great. Thank you so much and thanks everybody for listening. I’ll see you in the next video.
Lindsay Duff:
Have a great day.
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Risk Disclosure:
Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical Performance Disclosure:
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.
In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.
You can read more here: Risk Disclosure
Affiliate Disclosure:
The external links on my site and in my video descriptions to trader evaluation companies and software companies are primarily affiliate links. I earn a commission from these companies on any sale made from people visiting these links. That said, I only recommend companies and software I personally use and actually do recommend. Believe me, I turn down a lot of companies who approach me. You can read my full Affiliate Disclosure here.
Additional Disclosure:
The content provided is for informational purposes only. I do my best to keep the content current and accurate by updating it frequently. Sometimes the actual data, rules, requirements and other can differ from what’s stated on our website. CanadianFuturesTrader.ca is an independent website. You should always consult the rules, faqs, knowledge base and support of any of the websites and companies we link to or talk about on our site. The information on their site will always be what ultimately dictates the current rules of their program, software or other. While we are independent, we may be compensated for advertisements, sponsored products, or when you click on a link on our website. The contributors and authors are not registered or certified financial advisors. You should consult a financial professional before making any financial decisions.