Home » Earn2Trade » Interview With Chris, Founder of Earn2Trade

Interview With Chris, Founder of Earn2Trade

chris earn2trade founder interview

I was able to interview Chris from Earn2Trade. Learn about Chris as a trader, why he started Earn2Trade with others, and the innovative new products with the Trader Career Path.

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Canadian Futures Trader:

Hello everyone. It’s the Canadian Futures Trader here. Welcome to the channel and welcome to the video.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Everyone, I had the opportunity to talk with Chris from Earn2Trade. He is the man in charge of all the educational content you find both on their website and on their YouTube channel, which I highly recommend. I’ll say upfront, I put links down below to their website, to their YouTube channel, and also to their Earn2Trade discord. We get into discussing that in a little bit. But first, we get to know Chris a little bit better as a trader, what products he trades, what his background is in trading, the software he uses, what he’s looking for for trade setups, then we get into a little bit more about Earn2Trade, the background there, how long they’ve been around the products they offer. I think you’re really going to be impressed if you’re not already familiar. And then lastly, like any good interview, we end with the rapid-fire questions that you’re not going to want to miss. So guys, sit back and enjoy my talk with Chris from Earn2Trade. Hey everyone, really fortunate today, have something new for the YouTube channel. I’m going to be talking with Chris from Earn2Trade. Chris, how are you doing today?


I’m doing well. Thank you for having me.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Oh, absolutely. No, thank you for being here. It’s definitely a treat. I think a lot of people will recognize you and recognize your voice from Earn2Trade YouTube, but we will get to that, of course. So guys, I want to get to know Chris a bit better as a trader. We see him on the Earn2Trade videos. We’re going to talk a little bit more about that, we’re going to talk more about Earn2Trade later on. But first, let’s learn a little bit about Chris, a little heart to heart. So Chris, tell me, when did you start Futures trading?


Well, that’s actually a trick question. So when did I start trading or when did I start futures trading specifically? Because they are two different answers

Canadian Futures Trader:

Actually, yes. So let’s mix it up then because I was going to ask if you treated anything before futures. So just let us know. What did you start with and then when did you get into futures?


So I actually began trading in the world of Forex and it is kind of like the Wild West. Those of you that have been trading for some time, you probably began the same way if you’re listening to this. But about at this point, I think we’re at about eight years ago, I kind of switched over to futures. I enjoyed more of the amenities that come with futures. Obviously the centralized exchange is quite nice. You have the ability to see things that you don’t have with Forex. I like that I can see maybe depth of market, for example. There’s just a few little things here and there that kind of made futures the same as Forex, but better when you just put them on paper. So I started trading Forex though about 14 years ago. I don’t know if I said that.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Nice. Wow. All right, so you have a long history of trading. So did you go right from forex to futures? Did you ever dabble in stocks or options or maybe crypto?


Well, at the moment the answer to the crypto question unfortunately is a little bit. And you know the market’s been diving, but I’ve always been very, very cautious of very high volatility markets. And I finally get to toot my own horn here and be thankful that I never did go balls to the wall with crypto because obviously as the current state of things are looking at the moment, it’s been one heck of a drawdown for those that are deeply involved. So I always kept it with my stocks. I consider crypto basically a diversification of a long term stock portfolio really, or my ETFs or what have you. So I’ve always had my longer term stuff on the side, and then I always had my day work, so to speak, on the front runner. And with my long-term work, I did throw in like a 3% or less, honestly, crypto diversification. And I felt that three to 5% realistically was my personal risk tolerance that I felt comfortable with just due to the volatility that I was seeing in the market. Overall, I’m happy, and I think most people that started in the beginning with crypto. You really can’t argue any other way. But I’m definitely not one of those that are like, oh, I wish I bet the house on it 10 years ago and I’d be Elon Musk today.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Actually that’s funny. That’s a very similar story to me. More or less, I actually did start out with kind of options and stuff. I did a little bit of crypto and quickly realized the volatility was just going to, and this was like years ago. I mean now, it’d probably be even worse. So yeah, so like you, I still own stocks and I actually own some options and I own a decent amount of crypto, but that’s all more like long-term investment and then my day job is trading future. So I can definitely relate to you on that. So speaking of futures, what’s your go-to products? What do you like to trade?


I am relatively undiversified, I suppose, when it comes to this. I like CL, I like NQ and I like ES. You’re not going to find me too far outside of those three.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Yeah, I know a lot of people will just spray the board and try and trade everything. And I’ve always been much more a fan of specializing in a few products and I do the same. CL and the treasuries is what I trade, so I can appreciate that again as well. So what software are you using to trade? Like Ninja Trader, other?


So actually, you kind of hit it right. At the moment, yes, and well, honestly, for about a year or so now, I have been exclusively on Ninja Trader, but before that, Thinkorswim, I don’t know if I’m supposed to name drop it here, but it’s the Truth, Thinkorswim was one of my favorite platforms. I just liked how intuitive it was. Ninja Trader does an extremely good job, maybe arguably with a tad bit more power potentially, but I mean that’s neither here nor there. And then before that, I was a Meta Trader 4 guy for a really long time.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Okay. Yeah, probably one that’s lost actually on a lot of my audience. I know a lot of my audience is newer traders, so I’m familiar with Meta Trader, but I’ve never even used it myself and you really don’t hear it in the conversation much anymore at all.


It was a good platform. Man, it was ugly, but it was a good platform. It worked very well and it was clean. And in the beginning, I’m not the smartest guy in the entire world and I like that I don’t have to overwhelm myself with a platform when I first move onto it, and that’s kind of where in the beginning of my trading career, that’s why Meta Trader 4 seemed to make sense. It was clean. Honestly, a lot like our Finamark platform that’s offered at Earn2Trade. One of my favorite things about it is that it is very clean and even if you’ve never used a platform before, things are where you would probably look for them or expect to find them.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Yeah, absolutely. And I remember the very first evaluation I did with Earn2Trade, which was a couple years ago now yeah, I immediately went with Finamark because just exactly that. It was web-based and it was easy to use and clean and, okay, there’s a buy button, there’s a sell button. It seemed easier than diving into Ninja Trader and you see all these crazy charts and indicators. It’s overwhelming to a new trader sometimes.



Canadian Futures Trader:

I can appreciate that. So just talk a little bit more about trading, then we’ll switch into a little bit more about Earn2Trade and what you do there. Is there any type of trade setups you can talk about? Do you have a specific one or two or five? You don’t have to go through the details of each of course, but just what are you looking for to take a trade, how many trades are you taking a day and what does a trading day kind of look like?


So ultimately, this is something that I could expand upon till the cows come home, but the general concept here of my trading, I am strongly based in price action and technical analysis. I do like a little bit of order flow, but the majority of what I hold my allegiances to, so to speak, is what I call key levels. And it’s paying attention to areas in the market that have allowed something symbolic to happen. So it’s not directly looking for, say, an area of support and resistance. It’s not that. It’s the area that allowed something substantial to happen. And I find that those areas, I’m quite good. Not sounding arrogant, but I’m good at finding those myself. That’s what has meshed well with me. I know traders that succeed with RSI or what have you. and those were things I never really succeeded with. There’s certain things that mesh with certain people and for some reason, the ebb and flow of price action and technical analysis over the years has just suited me and been my reliable old Labrador, and that’s what I like.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Yeah. I feel like a lot of people force their trade. They pick an indicator and they say, okay, I’m going to live and die by this indicator, and they don’t necessarily know why. What is the indicator even actually telling them other than, oh, this line crossed this line, so I’m going to enter. So it’s kind of cool that with price action and whatnot, that’s kind of your calling. And again, I hate to harp on it, but I know for myself as well. So I trade basically order flow using the depth of market. I use Jigsaw. It just really called to me much more than charts and lots of indicators and stuff. So I’ve always been a proponent of find what works for you. You’re right, RSI doesn’t work for some people, but if it doesn’t work for you, there’s other options. So that’s good to hear that because yes, so many people are just technical or indicator based and to hear it like yourself that you’re using a different method than I’m using or someone else’s using, and we all find our own way and we can all be profitable in different ways. So that’s one pretty cool thing about the futures markets.



Canadian Futures Trader:

Alright, let’s talk a little about Earn2Trade. For the audience listening, if you haven’t, check out the Earn2Trade YouTube channel. I’ll put a link down below. First of all, how long have you been with Earn2Trade?


Since the very beginning. So once again, at this point, we’re talking probably like Rough Ball in six to eight years at this point or so. The beginning actually began before the beginning for the generalized public. In ways, I consider it my baby. It’s something I’m proud of because I helped it get going. I helped it become what it is and I’m proud to, in some ways, be a face of the company because it’s something that is transparent and it’s really a win-win-win. It provides a win for us because it provides us with a business model, it’s a win for our clients because it provides them with education and betterment for themselves, and it also is a win because it provides them with connection to finances that they wouldn’t otherwise have, which obviously I’m sure you’re very well aware, it takes money to make money in the trading world. And that’s something that is a very cool thing to be part of so many different success stories over the years. We have thousands of people coming through and I think last year our pass rate was something like 18.5%. So we have a very substantial amount of traders that are passing. Obviously, it’s not going to be everyone, but those that do, I’ve had countless interactions with people from all around the world and that to me is invaluable. It’s something that drives me with why I do it.

Canadian Futures Trader:

I mean, you hit on a lot of great things there and we’ll talk about the educational stuff in a second because I really feel like that’s definitely a unique thing with Earn2Trade. But you’re right, when I first discovered the world of funded futures trader trial programs, it blew me away in some ways. It was like, wow, these opportunities exist. I would’ve never even dreamt that they did. So the more I got into it, I really appreciated that they were out there. And then speaking of things I appreciated, so the educational content that Earn2Trade has, all this mentioned, so the YouTube channel, again, it’s linked down below, has tons of videos and content and you’ll see Chris featured prominently in pretty much most of them. But on top of that, when you sign up for Earn2Trade, you get access to a library. And I remember I added up the hours once. It was well over a hundred hours and it might have been way more of just content, educational content, and no one else does that. So I guess my question was, was that always kind of the plan from the beginning to kind of not only provide traders this opportunity but to help them learn how to trade?


Absolutely. If I wasn’t clear enough, let me clarify that now, that is why I am at the company and that’s why I was interested in being in it. I don’t do it for the money, I don’t do it for any other reason besides my payment is it comes from the satisfaction that I think is hard to find of knowing that I’m helping a very large number of people. And I’m someone that’s a giver in life. I like to give things. I do it in a lot of ways and I find satisfaction in that. So maybe that’s selfish, maybe it’s not. I don’t know. That’s a whole other moral dilemma. But I do find satisfaction knowing someone else is succeeding and they’re crediting me for it. Maybe that makes me narcissistic, I don’t know. But ultimately, I enjoyed that. And from the very beginning, the goal with Earn2Trade was to not to just provide some type of like bait and hook bullshit, excuse my language, but there’s so much garbage in the online world, unfortunately, surrounding the trading community. We wanted to be something different, something that actually was vested in the person coming to us succeeding because when they win, we are also winning. So we are vested in their success. It was always part of the plan, it was always the goal, it was always going to be we’re going to create a hub that is going to function in so many ways, maybe a way for traders to meet other traders. We have a Discord channel, but also, as a way for them to improve, reach their goals, and then also provide them a way to get to their goals. So it was supposed to be a not a one-stop shop, but kind of in the trading sense.

Canadian Futures Trader:

It a 100% stands out and when people ask me things like they’re new to trading, where do I even start, I’m like, go to Earn2Trade and learn. That’s one of the very first steps that I took and believe me guys when I say it, the content is really good quality. And there’s short little five minute videos up to one hour webinars. So anything, any topic you want, you go check it out. And then you also mentioned they’re in Trade Discord. I’m actually very active on there. I’m one of the moderators not to toot my own horn. So yeah, everyone, I’ll put a link to the Discord down there below. It’s a great community of traders. Just come, people talking about trading, talking about charts, asking questions. If you’re new to trading, very welcoming community. So let’s talk about Earn2Trade and the products that are available, the different tryout products, if you will, for maybe people who aren’t as familiar. Can you kind of summarize: how does the gauntlet mini work? How does the process work from start to finish?


Yeah, no problem. So the gauntlet mini is an intraday futures trading exam. And the concept is it’s something that’s meant to guarantee a trader being funded by a prop trading firm or a proprietary trading firm, aptly described, if they successfully complete the goal. So in short and in simplistic form, and obviously anybody that’s listening, if you want the exact details, just head over to the website and you can read them, but it is very simple. There’s going to be a profit goal that you’re looking to achieve with an account that is going to have a virtual capital that you’ll be trading actively on the markets with. So the concept is prove your skills with this account, with the gauntlet mini, there’s different account options and the concept there is whatever account option you are choosing is going to be the amount of money that you’ll be connected with when you successfully pass and you’re passed along to the proprietary trading firm. That will be what you have earned. So if you pick $150,000 account, which is an option of the gauntlet mini, then when you successfully complete, you’ll be connected to a $150,000 account. And with each of those account options, we have different profit goals that the trader is looking to adhere or looking to reach, but they also have rules that they need to adhere to. And a lot of people cringe when they hear the word rules, but they are very logical and honestly not that difficult rules to adhere to. They’re rules that if you are trading your own account, you’re probably already employing in one way or another, an end of day drawdown, a maximum amount of money that you’re going to lose on the day or a daily loss limit. We have a progression ladder as well, which is just a maximum number of contracts that each account is going to be allowed to open, which, once again, is not a tight limitation based on the account sizes. It’s just something that conceptually, most people aren’t going to want to overexpose themselves. So the way it works is they go through this exam, they have to trade for a minimum of, with the gauntlet mini, a minimum of 15 trading days. If they reach their profit target and they’ve adhered to the rules, then boom, they’ve passed. And whatever account size that they chose will be what they’re connected with on the other end when they get connected with the proprietary trading firm. It’s as simple as that. And once they get that money, it’s simply an 80:20 split. So if you’re wondering what’s the catch, if there is one, that’s it. The 80:20 split, that means say you get $150,000 account, you’re trading with that 80% of the profit you’re generating with that money that once again is technically not your own, you are getting 80% of that profit anyway. The 20% on the other end of the spectrum is going back to the proprietary trading firm to incentivize them giving you the money.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Yeah, absolutely. Anyone who listens to me knows I’m a huge proponent of the model in general, the funded proprietary model. It is a huge opportunity. I’m familiar with what margins are for different products and yeah, what it’s like to put up your own capital. So with companies like Earn2Trade, it’s just a great opportunity. And yeah, the 80:20 split is absolutely more than fair. You’re making 80%, but you’re making 80% on probably a potentially larger amount than you would be able to trade with your own capital.



Canadian Futures Trader:

And it’s a very low risk way to get into future trading. It’s just the evaluation fee to enter. You’re not putting up thousands of dollars. Earn2Trade recently came out with the trader career path, which I thought was really cool. And again, Earn2Trade is at the forefront with innovation and provide people with more opportunity. Can you kind of do the same for us with the trader career path and just walk us through what it is, and maybe how it’s different from the gauntlet, and the opportunity it provides?


Absolutely. So in a lot of ways it’s similar, but with the trader career path, the concept is everyone is going to be starting with what we call the junior trader account, which is the $25,000 account. So at the $25,000 account, the rules are actually the same as the gauntlet mini path. And the concept with the trader career path is you’re not just locked to one account size. So with the gauntlet mini, like I mentioned, you pick your account size in advance. If you pass, you’re connected with that amount of money and boom, there you go, that’s your account to trade on and so on, and you sail off into the sunset. With the trader career path, you start off with a smaller account, which is advantageous from a monthly subscription standpoint, obviously from say choosing a much larger account option. So you start with a smaller path, but as you withdraw a certain amount of money for each ladder, you’ll continuously be given a larger account. And I’ll clarify in that. So the exact way the path goes, it starts with $25,000 live sim account or a $25,000 live account itself. The difference of two is semantics. The Profit is still generated exactly the same from either of those, but once you withdraw, which you once again withdraw from either of those, you’ll then move on to the $50,000 account. You don’t have to do anything, it’s just automatically, you’re going to be moved up to a $50,000 account when you hit the mark. And at that point, same process applies. When you withdraw a certain amount of profit from that $50,000 account, that $50,000 account will then turn into a $100,000 account, and that’s called the advanced live account. And then at that point, once you once again withdraw a certain amount of profit, your account’s going to grow again to a $200,000 account. And at that point, your drawdown is going to be fixed as well, which is kind of cool. The goal is to incentivize and encourage people to feel like they can reach that such a large account size, but not have to pay their way ahead of time to get there, so to speak, kind of the way the gauntlet mini works. If you keep succeeding, you will keep growing and so it incentivizes continuously working and doing well and gives you something to look forward to.

Canadian Futures Trader:

A hundred percent agree with that. I’m myself am very goal oriented. And one thing, accounts I’ve passed in the past, people say you don’t do updates on them anymore. I’m like, there are several updates. Once you pass, you just have your account and you trade. This is cool because yeah, it gives you continued goals, like, okay, now I want to move up an account size, so you keep trading. So yeah, when I saw it come out a few months ago, I thought it was very cool, unique and it is a great way. For all the reasons you said, it’s a little bit of a lower cost entry to get started, but there’s all that upside potential to continue to grow and grow and really feel like you’re actually working with a proprietary firm. That’s you’re working with them and hand in hand. As you grow, they will grow with you. So I want to bring it back to Chris. We’re wrapping up here, but I like to end every interview with some rapid fire questions. I’ll spin them out, first thing that comes to mind, nothing’s too tough. Some are trading, some aren’t. Are you ready?


I’m ready. Let’s do it.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Okay, let’s do it. There’s only about six or seven. What is your favorite color?



Canadian Futures Trader:

You can only trade one product and one product only forever. What is it?



Canadian Futures Trader:

Would you rather be long or would you rather be short in a trade?


Long Definitely.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Have you ever, be honest, Yoloed a trade?



Canadian Futures Trader:

Who hasn’t? Number between 1 and 10, what is the ideal number of monitors?


Subjective question. For me personally, three large monitors has always been my favorite.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Perfect. Last question. I’m going to take a flyer and say I already know the answer, but I’m going to ask it anyways. What is your favorite online Futures Trader Tryout firm?


Hmm. Earn2Trade Guys. Come on now. Come on over and see us.

Canadian Futures Trader:

No, definitely. I hundred percent agree. Earn2Trade’s been there a long time, long history, great firm, all the reasons we talked about and plenty more. Guys, come to the Discord. I’ll put the links down below to everything, to Earn2Trade, to the discord, to Earn2Trade’s YouTube channel as well, which you should 100% check out. And on that note, I want to thank Chris one last time for being here. So thanks again, Chris.


I appreciate it. Thank you for having me as always.

Canadian Futures Trader:

Great. Thanks Chris and thanks everybody for watching.

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Risk Disclosure:

Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

Hypothetical Performance Disclosure: 

Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.

In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.

You can read more here: Risk Disclosure

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The external links on my site and in my video descriptions to trader evaluation companies and software companies are primarily affiliate links. I earn a commission from these companies on any sale made from people visiting these links. That said, I only recommend companies and software I personally use and actually do recommend. Believe me, I turn down a lot of companies who approach me. You can read my full Affiliate Disclosure here.

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The content provided is for informational purposes only. I do my best to keep the content current and accurate by updating it frequently. Sometimes the actual data, rules, requirements and other can differ from what’s stated on our website. CanadianFuturesTrader.ca is an independent website. You should always consult the rules, faqs, knowledge base and support of any of the websites and companies we link to or talk about on our site. The information on their site will always be what ultimately dictates the current rules of their program, software or other. While we are independent, we may be compensated for advertisements, sponsored products, or when you click on a link on our website. The contributors and authors are not registered or certified financial advisors. You should consult a financial professional before making any financial decisions.