I was able to interview James from Take Profit Trader. Take Profit Trader has quickly grown to be a favorite amongst the funded futures trading programs, quickly rising to be included in my Top 5 programs. Learn about James’ background as a trader and why he started Take Profit Trader.
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Take Profit Trader runs promos each month with a variety of themes and contests included! Be sure to visit my Take Profit Trader Deals and Promos section for the current deal!

Canadian Futures Trader:
Everyone, in today’s video, I have the privilege of interviewing James, one of the founders of Take Profit Trader. As I’ve done in the past, we get to know a lot about James as a trader himself, his background, why he started Take Profit Trader, and then we move into the business side as well, learning a little bit more about Take Profit Trader. And of course, no interview is complete without my patented rapid-fire questions. Guys, I think you’re really going to like this interview, getting to learn a little bit more about Take Profit Trader. One thing we focus on a little bit is the promos that they run. So if you’re watching this video, as I put it up, which will be January 7th, 2023, they have a Super Bowl promo right around the corner that you’re not going to want to miss. So definitely check out the links below in the video and also check out my website, sign up for the email notifications. You’ll be the first to know about this fantastic new Super Bowl promo that James and the guys at Take Profit Trader are going to be running. But enough for me, everyone, let’s get to know James from Take Profit Trader. Everyone, today I have the pleasure of speaking to one of the founders of Take Profit Trader. We’re going to be talking to James, learning all about him as a trader, learning about Take Profit, and of course, my patented rapid-fire questions at the end. First things first, James, how are you doing today?
I’m good, Chris. Thanks for having us on today, buddy.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Absolutely. It’s been a long time coming. So I always like to sort of learn a little bit more of the founders just as traders before we get into speaking about Take Profit Trader. So my very first question is when did you start trading and what did you start with? Was it futures, stocks, options, something else?
Some of this stuff’s in the playbook and maybe people know a little bit already, but I was a professional hockey player and my real start in trading was when I left playing in North America. I had basically done four years in college, signed with a team, jumped around for three years in the minors, wasn’t making very much money in the minors, it’s just the way the minor league systems work across the board. So I was like, you know what? I’ve got to go make some money. So I went to Europe and when I got to Europe, it was the first time I realized, man, I don’t know if I’m going to make it to the NHL at this point. So at that point, I had to figure out what I was going to do next. So trading was one of those things that I always wanted to do, but I really started with futures. I learned from somebody. Just like everybody else, you usually think it’s a bit easier than it is, and got into this whole like, oh, I can do this, oh, maybe I can’t do this, okay, I’ve got to figure out a way to do this. And that journey started in about 2010. So here we are. We’re in the 12th, beginning of the 13th year now.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Depending on who I talk to, everybody has kind of a different background. Myself also, I started with futures. So what products are your go-to products when you’re trading in the futures market?
I learned primarily on the ES. That’s what I cut my teeth on and like most other traders, I’ve ventured off the path and traded some commodities, see how I could do in oil, but mainly I always stuck to the staples. It was always like ES, NQ, dabbled in some crude oil, the bonds were too slow for me, so I really always would be drawn back to ES. It’s still my bread and butter, it’s still what I trade to this day, and I don’t really trade. I know a lot of people talk about diversification and Ray Dolly always talks about trading, if you’re trading futures, five or six different uncorrelated instruments to diversify best and lessen your risk. But I still primarily stick to ES and really don’t trade a whole lot else.
Canadian Futures Trader:
All right. I’m a fan of specializing in myself. I know you said the bonds are slow. I specifically do the bonds, but for that reason. I like the nice slow pick it off scalping. But it makes sense.
That’s what I like about the ES. It’s like some of the other stuff I trade, people complain it slow, but I’m like, would you rather be slow and more predictable or fast and knee jerk reaction here and there. It’s just harder to make money in those markets, in my opinion. Some people are good at it, but I’m not smart enough, I guess, to trade those kind of markets.
Canadian Futures Trader:
No, I hear you. The so when you’re trading, what’s your go-to software? Ninja Trader, Tradovate, something else third party?
I learned on Ninja Trader. I have a good relationship with the guys over at Ninja Trader too because it’s been a while. And I’ve tried everything under the sun. You can go IRT, we could go all the way down the list of stuff I’ve tried. I prefer Trading View now, to be honest, because I don’t need every bell and whistle. And the thing I like about Trading View is that I can hook up with Ninja Trader and Tradovate now and trade on Trading View, and I can cross platform. I can go from my PC here to my phone. I can also trade on a Mac. I much prefer Mac to pc, and that’s one of the drawbacks of Ninja. We don’t have that ability when you’re on Ninja to use a Mac or a phone or something like that.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Perfect. I’m actually a Mac user myself so I feel your pain. I have to use a VPS just to use Ninja Trader and some of the other software.
Yes. Frustrating, right?
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, it adds a layer of…
They’ve always been upfront about that and I’m cool with that. It’s just now that it’s great that they have the other layers.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So when it comes to trading, and we’re almost done with the trading questions, then we’ll get to take profit in a second here. Can you speak on a sort of a general or global way. What’s your cue to enter a trade? What style of trader are you? What are you looking for? Do you have any kind of go-to setup?
It’s a great question. I primarily trade mean reversion. I’m a contextual trader, man. I don’t trade a black box. We actually have a really big project that’s totally quantitative like a quant fund that we’re doing outside of Take Profit. So I let that stuff be my, what do you want to call it? A black box. And I trade completely contextually because I think that most traders would do a lot better if they understood that trading is very nuanced. It’s not like if this, then that. It’s just very difficult and you’ve got to have great infrastructure and servers and great latency, especially if you’re going to trade on a small timeframe to be successful there. So what I’ve found is that’s where I started and I backed up. I haven’t found many traders that do better, good and closer to the market. I’ve seen a lot of traders do a lot better backing away a bit. So I trade more mean reversion. I’m looking at stuff like ATR, 20-day averages of ATR, see where we are, looking at volume profile for my setups to see some flushes and trying to get these mean reversion markets because the indices are more mean reverting than some other products and I just think it’s more predictable to trade like that. So that’s really my style when I’m trading ES which again is my bread and butter.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, I a hundred percent agree on the whole ‘if this, then that’. I see so many traders trying to apply that and it just doesn’t work.
It’s just hard. I always refrain from saying it doesn’t work. I just say it doesn’t work for me. And I think that you make it a lot harder on yourself and I always tell traders that. You make it a lot harder on yourself. Can’t it be done? Sure, anything can be done. I’m not smart enough to do it. Maybe you are, but I’m not so if you want to simplify, this is what I would recommend you do because most people find it easier to do this rather than that, kind of thing. So again, I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong way. Everything works and nothing works in trading. It just really depends on the person and there’s certain practices I think that makes it easier on yourself.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So speaking of trading, your hands are obviously pretty full with the success of Take Profit Trader. How do you balance your day? Do you still actually get in there and trade every day? Is the company taking over most of time?
I do, but the business doesn’t take as much of my time as everyday life. I have three young kids and I think sometimes that resonates with people listening, some of your listeners, that everybody’s got different things in life, whether you’re working a full-time job. For me, I feel like I’m working a full-time job because it’s my kids. We’re running here, we’re running there. So again, that’s part of the way that I figure out how I’m going to do my trading. I have to be a little bit further away from the market because I can’t be sitting here all the time. I might have somebody knock on the door to play with the kids, or I might have to take my son in the middle of the day to hockey practice and trading a little bit longer term. And I’ll call myself like more of an intraday swing trader. I can always kind of keep an eye on the market. I know where my stops are, where I’m wrong on a trade, and that’s really my day-to-day. So yes, I do still trade and I’m in the market almost every day, but I’m not executing a whole lot of trades. I’m just maybe trading around one central idea. Sometimes, I’ll campaign around those positions, but more likely for me to be looking at kind of one setup for the day and then if it doesn’t work, I take my lumps and I move on, and I’m just playing the long game. That’s pretty much my life in a nutshell.
Canadian Futures Trader:
So speaking of Take Profit Trader, I’ve got some questions about it. What was the genesis of it? What kind of came in your brain that made you say, you know what? I want to start this company called Take Profit Trader?
To be honest, I cut my teeth in prop trading. I had somebody helping me out when I was still playing hockey. He’s like, hey man, you’re pretty good at this. I think one of the reasons you’re not doing well as well as you want, and that’s putting it nicely, is you don’t have enough equity so let me help you out and we’ll do this profit split. And it wasn’t until after that, I found out that this actually existed, the days of Top Step Trader and stuff like that. So then I traded a bit with other prop firms and there were some things I didn’t really like about trading with other prop firms and around payout rules. And it felt like it was tricky. Some of that was ignorance for me. I didn’t really understand what they were trying to accomplish in terms of protecting capital above all else and all these things that you’re a little bit naive when you start, but of course there were still some holes I felt in the prop world, and one of them was customer service. If you go to Take Profit, the thing that comes up most, the customer service have somebody there to answer a question almost 18 hours a day. I think the average wait time is 15 seconds or something like that to be able to talk to a real person and get your questions answered. So there were these holes, and that’s pretty much why I started Take Profit, is that at that point I had done well enough in trading that I had enough money to not have to listen to somebody else, and we could kind of start to help people do the same thing I did, because without Prop and without this guy Jason that helped me, and I’ve talked about him in the past on other podcasts, he’s actually from Vancouver, professional hockey player as well, I wouldn’t be here. So that’s important to know and that’s one of the reasons I started Take Profit.
Canadian Futures Trader:
How long was the planning process from coming up with, okay, I’m going to do this to actually like officially launching Take Profit Trader? Was it a six-month thing, a two-year thing? What was kind of the process?
Probably, we were always really lean. So Take Profit Trader consists of basically a guy, my brother helped me from the beginning, this guy Max who’s been with me since playing professional hockey together with him in Norway, a guy Matt, who I played hockey with in college. And we were always really lean, so things typically took us a little bit longer because we didn’t want to have this big bulky thing that we were stumbling over ourselves and it was a lot of upfront capital that we didn’t want to spend on that. So we always kept it pretty lean so it took us a while, from soup to nuts, maybe a year it took us in planning and getting it getting it started. But I think that one of the things with prop, and the reason you see a lot of firms popping up is previously if you had a tech team, it wasn’t that hard. I’m not saying it’s getting harder now, but there’s a lot more players and the reason you see a lot more competition is because a lot of people can come into it. It’s no secret. A lot of people can come in and try, and if they have a tech team, they can get all the stuff implemented pretty quickly. I think you could probably do it in three to six months, but it took us a bit longer because, again, we wanted to stay lean.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Quite a few of my subscribers are newer to trading, both futures and or just day trading in general. Can you sum up for people in your terms what are these trader evaluations all about? Why would someone sign up and what is it that you’re offering?
Sure. When you get into trading, especially when you’re new, you think that this is all about, oh, I got leverage, I can put $500 or $1000 into an account. And the first thing I tell people is slow down, please just slow down. That’s one of our big mantras at Take Profit Trader. Just slow down. You might as well buy a lottery ticket if you’re thinking like that. So what prop does is it allows you to come in and really pay your tuition, because you’re probably not going to be doing great at first, but your tuition is going to be a lot cheaper coming to Prop and trying to earn with an account than if you put $1000, $2000, another $5,000, $10,000 into an account over and over again and just blow it. Because you’re not going to be good at first. You’re just not. And it’s one of those things that I always tell people. You think, okay, I’m different. Well, I’m telling you this, and then the person goes and touches the hot stove. Even though I told them not to touch the hot stove, they have to feel what it feels like to touch the hot stove. And eventually, what they’ll realize, and most people do, is they come and say, prop is great for me. Even if I blow an account or two, I’m still better off than if I would’ve blown that money on an account and I would’ve had to set up the account, I would’ve to do this, and I would’ve do that. It’s just a lot of wasted time and waste of money, whereas opposed to coming to prop, using their risk limits, letting them front you the capital and kind of thinking about it as your tuition to the market. Because everybody, Chris, pays a tuition to the market. You know that. You’re a trader. I paid mine and I paid dearly, and I don’t want people to pay as dearly as I did.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, I can 100% attest to everything you just said. I was the poster child. I fortunately found prop firms before I blew my own money, but I did a lot of resetting and a lot of head banging on the desk. I eventually figured it out. But yeah, it saved me a lot of money not blowing thousands of dollars in my own capital. So, a hundred percent, that’s why I love the model. It really gives people an affordable way to get into futures trading. When it comes to Take Profit Trader, you kind of already talked about one of the benefits, the customer service are things that stand out. I’m curious, what else do you hear from traders? Is there anything else you hear that kind of makes you like stand out that people are just jazzed about Take Profit Trader?
Yeah, so the name kind of hints at it. We allow the traders to take their money right away so it’s not such a long game, if you make substantial profits, to withdraw those profits. So as a prop firm, our biggest goal, and I’ll be upfront with you, is to protect the capital. But when someone makes money, it never really made sense to me as to why a firm will make you take 90 days to pull out substantial money. If you’ve made the profits, why aren’t you allowed to take it out? And that’s really one of the things people say. It’s like, okay, I know that day one in my pro account, if I make 15k, then I can take my withdrawal and keep my account going or whatever it is. Maybe it’s $500 at a time. Maybe if you have a rule where every time I make a hundred bucks, I pay myself. You can do whatever you want. Take your money out as you make it and I think that that’s kind of where we stand apart. I know there are other firms and at Take Profit, we never bash other firms. People have their rules for a reason, and it is what it is. But we believe that, the trader, if he makes the money, should be able to take the money.
Canadian Futures Trader:
I don’t know how to explain it to people who haven’t seen it, but you almost have like a wallet. Well, you do have it, it’s called the wallet. But you initiate your own withdrawals. And most companies, you have to email support and wait for a day to hear back to withdraw money and blah, blah, blah. Yours, it’s seriously just click a button, how much do you want? Okay. And it’s on its way very quickly.
Right. And Chris, we work through Deel too, which I think the valuation is multi-billion dollars now, and it allows you to take your money, not only can you do it right through your dashboard, but you could take your money in 26 different currencies. If you want it through Coinbase, you can take it through Coinbase. You could take it through PayPal, you could take it through Wise, you could take it through all these different places. So it’s really your profit’s, your way. And I think that was different. I know other companies are now using Deel, so that’s not completely novel anymore, but we really think that the profit part is frustrating. When someone actually makes money, they bang their head up against a desk, like you said, or up against the wall for years. They finally get there, they make money, and it’s like, okay, you’ve got to wait 90 days. It’s like, what? I don’t get that. So yeah, that’s where that comes from.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, exactly. Poster child like myself, you go through a year of fail, fail fail, you finally succeed, you make some money, it’s rewarding and kind of keeps you going to actually be able to withdraw it and to be able to control that withdrawal. And yeah, if anyone’s wondering about Deel, I’ve used Deel through Take Profit and other companies and yeah, it’s flawless, it’s seamless, works fantastic, and yeah, you can choose how you want your money. But not to get too sidetracked, so when it comes to promotions, I’ve noticed you guys are quite on top of it. So besides doing just kind of a standard 30%, 50% off which lots of companies run deals, but you also do things like you get free data if you pass the account under this promo, you’ll refund the evaluation fee. You even had a bowl game promo for the year end. You could actually win a trip to one of the college bowls with you guys as well. So I’m just curious. That literally just happened a week or 10 days ago, something like that. So just curiously, what’s the feedback been either specifically about that promo or just in general about your promotions?
Yeah. Now, we’re going to do right around the corner another football promo about the NFL playoffs. But the bowl game, we just got back from Arizona. We met some traders out there. But just to use football as an analogy, it was basically like we built the foundation of the company. They say defense wins championships. So we beat the defense in the foundations of this company, customer support, a portal that works, you being able to take your profit out right from the dashboard there. But then, like you said, everybody’s doing kind of the same thing. 30, 50, 60, great. Again, we’re not going to bash anybody. That’s the way they run their business. But remember when the west coast offense came? I don’t know how old you are, Chris, but in football, this was this new and exciting thing, and that’s what we’re trying to do with our promotions. So we built the defense that wins the championships, but then we have the New West Coast offense, and we’re trying to do better promotions to be frank. And it’s just because the people get tired of doing the same things, and we want to be true and authentic to our roots. And I was a professional hockey player. My guys in the company are too, my brother was a college baseball player, he’s in the company. And we’re just trying to do stuff around that because that’s what we like. And the N F L promo’s going to be really cool. Just trying to do things that are different to get people excited about seeing something new. Maybe winning a trip here and there, and it’s not just, okay, great, like I got a percentage off, I can go over there and get a better percent, I can go over there and get a better percent. We want to be able to keep our customers engaged with new and fun things, and I think that the thing coming up around the corner is going to be something that people are going to like.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, that’s very cool. I’m excited to see this. So if people are watching this interview right when I put it up, probably on January 7th, 2023, be sure to stay tuned because when that promo comes out, I’ll definitely let everybody know about it. And yeah, I love what you guys have been doing. It’s definitely unique and yeah, there’s rules around it. You can run these great promos, it definitely makes you kind of stand out, and I think it’s absolutely that people want to stay engaged with you guys and see what else is coming, if not, win the current promo. So quick question. This one’s just a throwaway in a side question, but when somebody takes the evaluation, they pass, how long is it until they get their live account?
All that stuff goes through the dashboard so you just request. We get an automatic notification in the dashboard and usually, it’s the same. Within a lot of times, even under an hour, we just go in and make sure there’s no funny business going on, and then all after that, we just approve it. After that, the ball starts rolling where you’ll start to get automated. You could sign the contract right in the dashboard and everything there goes automatic from there. We just have to do the first part and approve that the evaluation was passed successfully and there wasn’t any problem with maybe somebody made 50 grand one day by getting lucky on a news trade and didn’t trade any other days or something like that. That’s the only like manual touch there is. So to answer your question succinctly, I guess it’s could be in an hour after you’ve passed the evaluation.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Certainly fantastic. I know a lot of traders that I’ve crossed paths with and talked to who love that too. Because I remember the days of old. You’d pass the evaluation and take a few days, it’s like you just finished, you want to celebrate, you’re excited, you pass. So it’s nice to get your actual live account right thereafter and keep the ball rolling. Last question before we get to the rapid-fire questions. Trader evaluations, no secret, a lot of people think it’s easy to pass, but like I’ve said, it took me a year to really become successful and I think that’s the common story for a lot of traders. So if you could give traders a few tips just to help them through the evaluation, what would you throw at them?
Here’s another thing that we’re doing a little bit differently, but to answer your question, we’re doing a little community that we’re putting together and it’s got some free stuff in there. Free courses for beginners, intermediate, advanced, scalping, longer term trading, whatever. But one of the things I’m going to do in there is a case study of guys, like here is a video series of how you pass an evaluation. And if I could tell you, and I’ve said this earlier on our talk today, Chris, is that slow down, okay? We tell people to slow down. And people will go, well, you make money from resets. But it’s like, yeah, if I tell you to slow down, then you’ll get there faster. You will get your pro account from us faster if you slow down. Don’t use the leverage. The leverage is a bait to see how you’re consistent, how you’re disciplined. Are you disciplined enough to not take that bait? Because I’m telling you, unless you’re scalping really small amounts, then leveraging up to the maximum allotment of contracts is just a recipe to fail an evaluation. And you have to be able to first and foremost manage risk. I talk about this stuff in the playbook. It’s available at our website right at the top where I show screenshots of what it looks like for me when I log in and see how traders are doing. The top losers of the day are always trading too much and too big. Every single day. It’s like clockwork. So slow down and trade smaller.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Hopefully, it slowly sinks in for traders because that’s a common theme that I’ve seen and told people.
And Chris, I’ll say this last thing. You don’t have to be brilliant to be a trader. Part of the thing in my videos, and you’ll see in this video, there’s people walking around in the background. It’s a mad house. It’s hard. Trading is hard enough. I’m just a regular guy and I’m not that smart and I can trade. Anybody watching this can trade. Chris will probably tell you the same thing. You’ve got to get out of your own way and one of the ways to get out of your own way is just trade smaller. Trades smaller and less. I wouldn’t say less frequently because some people are good at trading a lot and I’m not, but in general, I’ve seen people do better when they trade smaller and with less leverage. Less leverage and usually back away from the market a little bit because it’s just harder to beat computers at their game.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, that whole psychological aspect of trading is really the key. Anyone can click a button. Anyway, that could be a whole hour-long discussion.
Yeah, absolutely.
Canadian Futures Trader:
But I will say that’s fantastic actually, what you already have with the playbook and what you have coming out. Because one thing actually that I find that’s really lacking with a lot of the companies is just any level of education or information for traders, most companies that sign up and like, okay, here’s your credentials, go for it, with like zero context of what to do if you’re a new trader. So that’s great that you guys are going to have that.
And it’s out there right now, Chris, but just it’s like a founder’s group, a small group of people just testing it. It’s going to have Q&A’s and stuff in there too, but a lot of different materials. Because we have skin in the game too. We want you to do better. We want you to do better and I know not everybody is where they want be as a trader so that’s in there for them and part of something that we don’t see out there. We felt that that was a hole in the marketplace.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Nice. No, that’s very exciting so I definitely encourage people to go to the site. Just go check that out if anything and I think you’d like what you see on the site. So cool. Well, I end every interview with rapid fire questions. They’re pretty easy. Just gimme your first opinion or thought. Sound good? You ready to go?
Yeah, let’s do it.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Cool. All right. Simple first one to warm you up. What’s your favorite color?
Canadian Futures Trader:
Okay. If you could only trade one product, one product only for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Canadian Futures Trader:
All right. Would you rather be long or would you rather be short in a trade?
Canadian Futures Trader:
This next one gets some people. Have you ever honestly yoloed a trade?
Way too many.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Yeah, that’s the honest answer. Everybody says yes, myself included. A number between 1 and 10. What’s the ideal number of monitors for you?
Canadian Futures Trader:
All right. Two more questions. If you weren’t in futures trading in any capacity, what would you be doing in life?
What would I be doing? I’d probably be a hockey coach at the collegiate or professional ranks or something like that, but I didn’t want to do that when I stopped playing hockey.
Canadian Futures Trader:
That’s fair. And this last one, I think I know the answer, but I always like to ask it. Who is your favorite online futures prop firm?
Take Profit Trader all the way.
Canadian Futures Trader:
Oh, that’s great. That’s fantastic. All right, well guys I want to thank James first and foremost for being here. I want to encourage everyone to check out Take Profit Traders. Links down below, and stay tuned. Again, if you’re seeing this early January 2023, stay tuned for this super Bowl promo that’s coming up. I think it’s going to be exciting. I’m excited.
Yeah, thank you so much, Chris, for having me on, man. I really appreciate it.
Canadian Futures Trader:
All right. You bet. All right, thanks everyone for watching.
Bye guys!
Canadian Futures Trader:
Okay everyone, how about that interview? What a great time getting to talk to James. Hey, it’s no secret. I added Take Profit Trader to one of my top five trader evaluation companies out there. They might be one of the newer companies, but they’re just doing everything right and I definitely recommend Take Profit Trader to everyone. If you come to my website, you can always see the current promo. Now, this is the promo that’s ending, but there’s going to be something even bigger and better for the Super Bowl that you’re not going to want to miss. One of the best ways to be the first to know about super amazing promos from Take Profit Trader and other firms is to come to my website, go to the promo alerts, put your email in, you’ll get an occasional email from me. You can unsubscribe at any time, but basically I’m just going to be passing on the info. Hey, here’s this company. They’re running a super cool promo. Here’s the details, here’s the code to use. You’ll be the first to know about the latest and greatest promo. And as a side bonus, I know Take Profit Traders no stranger to running a contest along with their discounts. So you don’t want to miss out on the contest that they’ve run as well. And word on the street is there’s going to be maybe a contest also that’s pretty amazing tied to the Super Bowl promo. Everyone, I want to thank you so much for watching and I’m going to see you in the next video.
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Risk Disclosure:
Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Hypothetical Performance Disclosure:
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight.
In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. for example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results.
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Affiliate Disclosure:
The external links on my site and in my video descriptions to trader evaluation companies and software companies are primarily affiliate links. I earn a commission from these companies on any sale made from people visiting these links. That said, I only recommend companies and software I personally use and actually do recommend. Believe me, I turn down a lot of companies who approach me. You can read my full Affiliate Disclosure here.
Additional Disclosure:
The content provided is for informational purposes only. I do my best to keep the content current and accurate by updating it frequently. Sometimes the actual data, rules, requirements and other can differ from what’s stated on our website. CanadianFuturesTrader.ca is an independent website. You should always consult the rules, faqs, knowledge base and support of any of the websites and companies we link to or talk about on our site. The information on their site will always be what ultimately dictates the current rules of their program, software or other. While we are independent, we may be compensated for advertisements, sponsored products, or when you click on a link on our website. The contributors and authors are not registered or certified financial advisors. You should consult a financial professional before making any financial decisions.