stop doing these trading mistakes

5 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Day Trader

I see day traders make several mistakes that are limiting their potential, or just flatRead More…

trading frustration

How To Deal With Frustration When Trading

Let’s face it: many futures traders make decent profits, and then suddenly, they encounter aRead More…

profitable mindset

Profitable Mindset Of Great Traders

How to become a successful day trader? Many people have the funds and strategies toRead More…

day trading life

What Is Day Trading Daily Life?

While day trading has been around for a few decades, its popularity skyrocketed in recentRead More…

trade journal

Why It Is Important To Journal Your Futures Trading

I’ve always been a fan of journaling my trades and encouraging other futures traders toRead More…

best trading movies

What Are The Best Trading Movies Ever

Sometimes it’s good to relax and enjoy a good movie. There’s some entertaining trading moviesRead More…

futures day trading

The Basics of Day Trading

It was not too long ago that lot of people didn’t have access to tradeRead More…

pass trader evaluations

5 Tips (+ 2 Bonus Tips)To Pass Funded Futures Trader Evaluations

As someone who has taken quite a few funded trader evaluations and this last yearRead More…


Business and Math Courses That Help You Be A Trader

As far as I know there are no specific “learn to be a futures trader”Read More…

day trading boring

Why Trading Shouldn’t Be Exciting

A lot of new traders think the world of trading is exciting and full ofRead More…