October 2024 Update: I’ve decided to no longer work with several firms as there are industry regulations coming and I don’t believe several firms will meet the criteria, including this one. I am leaving this article up but all links to to companies I no longer represent will forward back to my main Deals and Promos Page.
You can find more information here: Regulations Are Coming – October 2024 and also find my list of recommended companies that will be compliant.

Earn2Trade is one of my top ranked funded futures trader evaluation programs, and I like to share as much information as I can about them and how the program works to new traders.
Be sure to check out the latest Earn2Trade discount on my Deals and Promotions page. You always get 20% off no matter what using my link, and if they are having a better sale, you’ll receive that price!
The information below is as of January 2024. Be sure to visit the Earn2Trade website for the latest information in case the rules change at all. The information below is the most requested information about Earn2Trade, although there is additional information on their website as well if you seek answers beyond what is below.
What are the Differences Between the Gauntlet and Gauntlet Mini?
The Gauntlet Mini is the more popular option for traders in my experience. It is 15 days of trading minimum, there are 5 different account sizes, you can not hold trades over night, there is a scaling plan on your contract sizing, as well as a few more rules regarding draw downs.
The Gauntlet is a longer term program. It is a one-time fee and lasts 60 calendar days. You must trade at least 30 of those days. There is only 1 account size, but overnight holding of contracts is permitted during the evaluation. There is no trailing draw down or daily draw down.
There are of course other small differences, I encourage you to review all the specs of each on the Earn2Trade website.
What Are The Gauntlet Rules?
The Gauntlet (the 60 calendar day evaluation) has few rules. If you are patient and want to slowly grow an account to pass, the Gauntlet may be for you. The rules as of October 2021 are:
- Manage a $25,000.00 account over a 60 day period
- Submit a Trading Plan in the Dashboard
- Trade a minimum of 30 Calendar days and once per week
- Reach a 10% profit target by the end of the evaluation
- 10% Maximum drawdown
Candidates also have the option of choosing preset stop losses, daily losses and weekly loss limits, as well as setting their own additional rules for the 60-day evaluation period. It’s important to note that if a candidate chooses to set their own rules, they should do their best to abide by them in order to achieve the best offer.
What are the Gauntlet Mini Rules?
Earn2Trade’s Gauntlet Mini accounts vary by size. While the rules are the same in principle for each of them, the exact amounts will vary by account size. So rather than overwhelm you with information, below I have the general rules. You should visit the Earn2Trade website and look at the specific account you are considering to see the amounts attached to each of the rules.
If you break any of the rules you have the option to reset your account for $100. It won’t be held against you, and you get a fresh start. Keep in mind your billing period though, as it is a 30 day rebill. If you are less than 15 days away from your rebill, you may want to consider just canceling and restarting the evaluation.
- Trade a minimum of 15 trading days
- Do not reach or dip below the daily loss limit
- Do not exceed the maximum position size – this is called a progression ladder, also known as a scaling plan
- Do not reach or dip below the minimum account balance based on your End of Day drawdown
- Only trade during approved times.
- Maintain consistency – no 1 day can be larger than 30% of your entire profit
A couple of noteworthy points:
- The End of Day drawdown rule was new in mid 2021. It is favorable for the trader! Your draw down is calculated at the end of the day rather than during the day.
- Note that all rules are based on open P&L though. Be careful with your progression ladder especially.
- There are no bonus points for over achieving. My advice is be consistent, trade a plan, reach the goal and get funded. Keep it as simple as you can.
What Assets Can Be Traded?
In general, all CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX Futures assets can be traded at Earn2Trade. This includes the Micros.
There is no Forex trading with Earn2Trade, it is strictly futures.
If you are not familiar with what products are traded on each of these markets, you can visit the CME Group to learn more.
To give you a general idea of what types of products are traded though, futures usually fall into the categories of Equity Indices, Agriculture, Energies, Interest Rates, and Precious Metals. Not exclusively, but that covers the majority. Whether you want to trade crude oil futures, treasury bond futures, the S&P future or corn futures, Earn2Trade has them all available and more.
Where Is Earn2Trade Located?
Earn2Trade is registered in Sheridan, WY, USA. The staff is truly global though, working from countries all over the world.
What Holidays Are The Markets Closed For?
Earn2Trade uses the same holidays that the CME Group recognizes for futures trading. Be alert that while often the markets are open for abbreviated hours on holidays, the day will not count as an individual day. For example if the 4th of July is a Monday and the market is open for a short day, it will just be included as part of Tuesday. This is per CME Group rules.
Can I Have Multiple Accounts With Earn2Trade?
Earn2Trade will allow you to take multiple Gauntlet Mini’s at the same time, although they will have to be registered under different email accounts. You can not have multiple accounts under 1 log in. Once funded though, you can have only 1 account, period. So taking several evaluations is really just a hedge that you’ll pass one. Keep that in mind. So even if you pass several, you can only have 1 funded account and will have to choose which of the passed evaluations you want to convert to funded.
What Are The Data Fees With Earn2Trade?
During the evaluation there are no additional data fees, everything is included in your subscription. Once funded though, in the LiveSim your first exchange is free, all others are $105/per month/per exchange. Once in the fully funded account, every exchange is $105/per month/per exchange (no free one included).
Note that exchange fees are paid for the month in advance using a credit card. It will not be taken out of your account balance.
Can I Trade Eurex or ICE Exchanges with Earn2Trade?
The short answer is unfortunately not, only CME Group exchanges are supported.
Profit Withdrawals From Earn2Trade
Let’s get to the good stuff – withdrawing profits! Firstly, technically once you are funded you are actually trading with a funding partner, so it is not Earn2Trade who will do your withdrawals. It will either be Helios or Appius Trading.
Withdrawals are processed once per week, on Tuesdays. You can withdraw via ACH, Wire Transfer or Paypal. There is a minimum $100 withdrawal amount, and there are no fees on withdrawals over $500.
Since withdrawals are processed Tuesdays, be sure to get your requests in before then or you’ll have to wait until the following week. I’d suggest get them in before the previous Friday to guarantee you’ll get paid out the following Tuesday.
Earn2Trade Profit Split
Once you are funded, the profit split is simple and generous. 80% of your profits go to you the trader, 20% remain with the funding partner. There is no minimum balance that needs to be reached before withdrawing, nor a minimum amount of time before you are eligible as with other firms. 80/20 from the start. Have a great 1st week? Feel free to withdraw some of your earnings, you deserve it!
Earn2Trade has been and remains in the top of my recommended futures funding companies. They are straight forward, been in business. along time, have a great support system, and by far the easiest and most straight forward withdrawal policies once funded. I highly recommend Earn2Trade. Be sure to take advantage of my 20% off exclusive discount! Just click any of the links or banners and it will be applied automatically!
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